Chapter 1

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Dean burst through the door just as the bell rang. The students went into chaos and pushed past him trying to get through to their classes. He made his way through the swarming students and to his locker. "Dean," he heard someone call from behind him. He turned to see his friends, Scott and James, running down the hall towards him.

"Where have you been, man," James asked, "You missed the senior party." "California," Dean answered, "I had some family business to attend to." "Dude, you should've been there," Scott cut in, "They were so many hot chicks. You would've loved it." James snickered, "Anyway, we're cutting class and going to the lake. You in?"

"Nah, man. As crazy as it may seem, I wanna end my senior year with at least all C's," Dean answered. "Suit yourself. We'll be back tomorrow," Scott said as he and James headed down the hallway. Dean slammed his locker shut and ran to get to his Physics class before the bell rang.


The next day, Dean sat in the cafeteria with his tray in front of him not bothering to eat the food on it. He had his Calculus book out in front of him attempting to do his homework and he had no idea how people even passed this class. He slammed his book shut in frustration and shoved the book back into his bag just has Scott and James made it to his table.

"How was the lake," he asked them as they sat down. "Let's just go with that old Vegas saying," Scott answered, "What happens at the lake stays at the lake." "Whatever," Dean replied and he got up to throw away the food on his tray. When he got back to the table Scott and James were talking about some baseball game that was on TV last night.

He tuned them out and let his eyes wander around the room. He was about turn back to the conversation when a guy in the corner caught his eye. He was sitting alone. He had black hair with blue and green streaks running through it. He was wearing all black and had both a lip and nose ring.

Dean turned back to his friends, "Who's that guy in the corner?" "I think his name is Castiel," James answered, "He started school here while you were away." "What do you know about him," Dean asked. "Well, not much," Scott joined in, "But he's a total freak." Dean knew he wasn't perfect, but he didn't like judging people so quickly. "What makes you say that," he asked.

"Come on, Dean," Scott said, "Just look at him. There's no way that guy is normal." Dean got up from the table, "Alright. I'm gonna head to my next class." "Wait," James called, "Are you gonna go to Paul's party at the lake this Friday?" "Lisa and Jo will be there," Scott smiled. "Yeah, sure," Dean said and got to his next class as fast as possible.

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