Death Of A Batchelor- Panic! at the Disco

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Do I look lonely

I see the shadows on my face

People have told me

I don't look the same

Maybe I lost weight

I'm playing hooky

With the best of the best

Pull my heart out my chest

So that you can see it too

I'm walking the long road

Watching the sky fall

The lace in your dress

Tangles my neck

How do I live

The death of a bachelor

Oh oh oh

Letting the water fall

The death of a bachelor

Oh oh oh

Seems so fitting for

Happily ever after


How could I ask for more

Lifetime of laughter

At the expense

Of the death of a bachelor

I'm cutting my mind off

Feels like my heart is going to burst

Alone at a table for two

And I just want to be served

And when you think of me

Am I the best you've ever had

Share one more drink with me

Smile even though you're sad

I'm walking the long road

Watching the sky fall

The lace in your dress

Tangles my neck

How do I live


The death of a bachelor


Letting the water fall

The death of a bachelor


Seems so fitting for

Happily ever after


How could I ask for more?

A lifetime of laughter

At the expense of the death of a bachelor

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