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My name is Garett London, and I'm a sinner. At least that's what our so called "savior" dubbed me after my demise. The truth is, I don't remember what I even did. Might of been murder, rape, or maybe a combination of the two. It could of been anything. Shit, for all I know it could of been adultery. That's the thing though, I can't remember anything. That's part of my punishment, I think, but I can't even remember that clearly. All I know for certain is that I'm Garret London and that I have sinned. I sometimes have impressions in my mind about what my life might of been like, but they always quickly fade. Such is the plight of eternal damnation, lock a man away until he repents for his sins, and then make it impossible to remember them. I know someday I'll have to remember, even if it takes centuries. I don't know how much more of this torture I can take, trapped in an empty abyss of pure nothingness where all my nightmares unfold and cause nothing but pain for the mind. The human idea of "Hell" sounds like a nice weekend getaway compared to the reality, if you can even call it reality. In reality my body is probably underground, rotting away, but my soul is here, in the afterlife paying for whatever I've done. It doesn't look like things are looking up soon for me, either. I guess I should try and get comfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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