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still not proofread lmao fight me

after getting settled in, everyone hung out in the living room and played board games. ash and mel made hot chocolate for everyone, and everyone was content.

taylor pulled ash aside for a moment, and melanie seemed uncomfortable about it.

"hey uh, long time no see, yeah?" taylor said nervously. ash and taylor had been together last year, and taylor had desperately wanted to become friends with ashley again, but never got the chance.

"yeah..." ashley replied quietly.

"i've missed you. i mean, not like i still like you romantically, but i just miss the friendship we had before that," taylor stammered. ashley smiled and wrapped taylor in a tight hug. melanie glared at taylor.

"why don't you get off my girl, yeah?" melanie scoffed. taylor sent her a slightly shocked look.

"i- what?"

"i'm sorry, did you not hear me? was your sluttiness too loud?" melanie retorted. taylor was taken aback at the comment and sent a glare at melanie.

"look, no one wants in on your territory, honey," taylor said. melanie scoffed.

"you jealous you didn't make the cut?"

"oh shut up, you-"

"stop it!" josh exclaimed. "look, mel, why don't you and ash go to the guest cabin?"

"i'll go anywhere without that whore," melanie muttered.

"that's enough!" josh yelled. "quit arguing and just leave each other alone." melanie rolled her eyes and grabbed ashley's hand. the two grabbed a flashlight and went out the door.

"well, i'm gonna go take a bath," jenna said as she began walking up the stairs. "i don't want to deal with the drama right now."

"shit!" taylor exclaimed. "i left one of my bags at the cable station." jenna paused her walking.

"well, you're not going out there alone to find it, so i guess scratch that bath idea," jenna muttered. taylor smiled sadly.

"sorry, babe," she said. jon rolled his eyes.

"everyone keeps leaving," he exclaimed. "we're gonna be lonely." spencer laughed.

"calm down. we still have seven people here," he said, wrapping an arm around jon's shoulders.


"oh my god, i hate taylor," melanie muttered as she and ashley walked down the trail to the guest cabin. ashley sighed.

"she wasn't doing anything wrong. she just missed me," ashley said, attempting to defend taylor.

"are you defending that whore?" melanie scoffed. "my god." ashley shrugged.

"she just wanted to be friends again..."

"so what?" melanie exclaimed, "she didn't make the cut. she shouldn't touch you."

"mel, don't be so overprotective," ashley stammered, "she and i are just friends. i love you and only you." melanie rolled her eyes.

"let's just get to this stupid guest cabin..."


ryan stared out the window while the others chatted and drank. he could've sworn he'd seen something, but he wasn't sure.

"ry, what's up with you?" dallon finally asked. ryan shrugged.

"i don't know..." ryan mumbled. "i think there's someone out there."

"it's probably just melanie and ash or something," spencer said, taking a sip of his soda. he was basically the only one who didn't want to drink alcohol.

"mel and ash left these grounds a while ago..." ryan replied, sighing. dallon simply shrugged.

"look, everyone is a little freaked out. it's dark and snowing and there are two possible deaths here," brendon spoke up, "i'm sure you're just seeing things because you're scared."

"yeah, you're probably right," ryan said, turning away from the window and sitting down with the rest of the group.


"taylor, i'm freezing," jenna whined, "why couldn't you have left your bags somewhere on a warmer day?" taylor laughed.

"you're not gonna die, jenna," taylor paused for a moment, "hey, did you hear that?"

"hear what?" jenna questioned, quirking an eyebrow at taylor.

"i thought i hear something," taylor mumbled. "it was probably nothing." jenna nodded slowly.

the girls walked in silence for the rest of the way.


"i swear i heard something," melanie muttered. ashley sighed.

"melanie," ashley said sternly, "there's nothing out there. nobody ever comes up here, anyway."  melanie sighed.

"are you sure? it sounded like a-" melanie was cut off but a deer jumping out of the trees directly in front of the two. melanie screamed and ashley laughed hysterically.

"you should have seen your face! oh my god, i wish i could've filmed that!" ashley exclaimed through fits of giggles. "i bet the noise you heard was the deer walking around."

"i heard people talking," melanie exclaimed.

"it was probably tay and jenna. josh texted me and said they came out to grab something," ashley said reassuringly. melanie shrugged.

"you're probably right."

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