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"Pick up you fucking asshole," I grunted as I paced around the sides of my bed. "Ashton fucking Irwin, I swear to G-"

"First of all, my name middle name is Fletcher. Secondly, why the hell are you ringing me?" A tired voice asked, "Do you know what time it is?" A yawn echoed in my ear, I looked over to my alarm clock, 7:06 a.m.

"It's just gone 7, why?"

"Because it's still fucking early, go back to bed. I'll pick you up at 8-"

"But Ash-" I begged, I was rubbing my hair with a towel, also running it along my neck to pick up the tiny droplets falling down my naked back.

"What, Luke?" Ashton's voice was growing more frustrated every time I breathed. "If you need help tying your laces again, just wake Jack up. Or buy some bloody shoes that have Velcro and not laces-"

"I-Is everything going to be okay? Like, today?" I sighed, laughing towards the end of my concern. I looked around my room, ensuring my bag had my pencils, pens, headphones and other essentials packed. I heard a small sigh, escaping Ashton's mouth toward the end of my question.

"Yeah, everything will be cool, buddy. I promise, there will be a load of new people there. They'll all love you, you're a cool guy." I could hear the boy clamber around his room, looking for jeans and shirt to wear. The sound of draws slamming shut made me cringe, "It won't be like Year 11, College is full of so many different people, Luke. People are bound to like you, just-"

"Just don't what, Ash?"

"Just- don't let people walk over you, okay?" I know Ashton couldn't see me, but he could tell I nodded in response to what he was saying. "Good. But, because you're a little shit and woke me up before 8, I'll be over in half an hour. Okay?" I laughed at Ashton's remark, and heard his trademark schoolgirl laugh too, I nodded my head again and hung up the phone.

I threw my phone back down on my bed, along with my towel and felt a sense of relief wash over me. I walked carefully over to my wardrobe, making sure I didn't trip over any of the clutter lying on my floor, and picked out a t-shirt. It was a red and black plaid button up shirt, which my brothers always complained I had way too many of. It fit loosely over my tall and thin frame, as it engulfed me with each stride. I walked over to my dresser, checking my reflection in the small vanity mirror placed on it. I let my fringe fall onto my forehead, and adjusted my lip ring. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a small, yellow, shiny package in my vision, without any hesitation I squeezed the package into my jean pocket - along with the purple lighter on my right side.

"Luke," There was a knock at my door, I scurried over to answer it, leaving the first few buttons of my top undone. "Can I come in?" It was my older brother, Ben. I unlocked my door, and kicked some of my clothes aside with my foot.

"Hey," I was greeted to a plate of pancakes and a cup of tea, I took both in my hands and sat at the foot of my bed with Ben by my side.

"How are you feeling?"

I shrugged, I couldn't tell Ben that I wanted to cry or that my heart was beating out of my chest. I couldn't let him know I felt weak, not before I start a new chapter in my life. "Fine," It was a blatant lie.

"Taken your meds?" I nodded, as I took a regretful swing of the tea. It was piping hot, and I grimaced shortly after doing so. "Good, it's good." Ben placed his hand on my shoulder, and watched me shovel down my pancakes.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

Ben cocked an eyebrow, "Because you're my baby brother," He laughed, "And you're finally growing up. It's your first day of college, you're almost's scary." I raised my brows and sipped my tea.

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