chapter 1

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I dangle in the darkness,with my shoulders aching, manacles digging into my wrist as I try to sleep. The chains prevent me from laying down. Whether it was day or night, I could not tell any more, for my enemies had stolen it.

In the distance there was screaming, the universal wails of a man trying and failing to escape to the deepest agony. The unnerving cries echo from the corridors above me, dampened by the intervening barriers.

After untold weeks passed, I have seen many go and never return. I miss my chatty neighbor, who was always pestering me. When he is gone the dungeons are truly lonely.One day the guards took him and he still hasn't returned. The wails were constantly growing quieter with every passing day.

One unseen prisoner continued screaming begging for mercy, and yelling I don't know anything. A very common line.Still the screaming made me think of the tortures that I have endured, over the years. No matter what they did to me I haven't uttered a single word, to them, nor have I cried out in pain.Once they forced toxins(medicine) down my throat. Some clouded my judgement, and mind while others loosened my tongue. They asked me many questions while I was in this state. I still have yet to give in.

My captors hound me constantly. They tried to bribe me with food and water, they also tried to compel me with pain. Some tried to talk to me reasonably. While others mad harsh demands. Normally there was more than one in a row. Still I don't make a single sound, nor do I scream in agony.

How much longer will I have to hold on. What's the point any more? Will I be able to feel the moonlight again? With that though I wondered. What does the sun feel like? What happened to him? Whit thoughts in mind I drifted off into a pit of nothingness.

When I awoke up rough hands were on my wrist where the manacles were usually. I willed my body to stay limp. It was easy after many years I think of practice, for evading questions.

"Hey, Renji is this the Young man you're talk about?" A stern voice said very shallowly, that I could barely hear it.

"Yes, that's his cell." It took me a second to recognize the voice. It belonged to Renji!

"By the way it's a girl, no more than seventeen years old." He paused for a moment then continued. "For god sake how could you not have known, you flipping moron." The really quiet voice shot back a little louder this time.

" Well he never replied how am I supposed to know." Renji shot back.

My eyes snapped open at that moment "You're alive," With that I broke my silence.

"You can talk!" he shouted with surprise.

I nodded. Their blank expressions told me I was crazy.

"Never mind." I said quickly.

"You're kidding me, right. You haven't lost your self. How long have you been down here." Renji replied.

"Since.. 2011" I mumbled.

"It's 2018. Today is January 18th" The man holding me up said.

I'm 16.... years old now. i though to myself As of yesterday. but I keep that last part to myself. "I'm .. sorry I.. kept to myself... I feared if I talked... only to you... someone would... hurt you for the... answers that I have kept ....hidden... for many years please go away... before they ... hurt ... you." I stammered.

"Are the secrets the only thing you remember?" Renji asked

"Amnesia." I said, more clearer.

"Fake smile. Don't let them know you're hurting. They don't care anyways. Is that what you thought. To bad you're coming with us." Renji said madly. A sharp pain shot up the middle of my spine knocking me out cold. Once again.........

Yes, I answered silently. I willed my eyes open to see, nothing, but white. Where am I. I asked myself.

"So you're awake." Renji asked me. "Welcome to the outside, life."

"Outside............" There was a long silence between us. The guy that said I was a girl, came into the room.

" Well. Why don't we start with introductions. I'm Jake Scarlet." said Jake "He's Renji Scarlet and we're twins."

"I'm Rina, Rina Shone. Th.. t..thank you" I stammered.

"You're kidding me, you're from the Big Ass Shone Clan." Renji yelled.

"I have no more t..t.. ties to them." I said calmly as can be.

"How can you act so calmly." Renji said madly.

"Cool it dude. Remember on the news more than 11 years ago." Jake said."The black fox has been named for the century. Your looking at her. The girl that saved our asses when we were small.." Renij brother Jake said.

"Oh who cares, they disowned me, and they." I stopped. "I must be going."

"Wait it's dark out."The said at once.

"You're forgetting I'm a fox... The sun does not heal me... The darkness dose alone. Or how could I have survived for so long, and keep my sanity... when I didn't see daylight for years.... People go insane... after a year or two. I have... seen many go and come never to be seen again, by... the daylight, staying no longer than 3 years or they end... up dead. But me I lasted 7 without... losing my sanity. I come back... in a few hours. If you don't recognize me I wouldn't... be surprised."

"OK OK. Let me carry you outside." Renji walked over to me, and scooped me up as if he been doing it all of his life. Which he done it a lot when we were kids. Renji walked with me in his arms outside. After he took the first step outside, a warm presence that I'd forgotten long ago. Renji held me tighter as my body glowed with warmth.

"I'm back Wolfzana" I look up at the moon without stuttering or pausing for once. "I'm sorry my princess. Please forgive me."

"Sing the song." A rich silky voice whispered. That disappeared into the breeze.

Hi this is my first story on wattpad hope you like it...

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