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A/N: This is my first Hanfic in several years. There no specific date that this would take place, the venue is also made up. The only thing that is known is that its 2013, and she is reflecting on her experience in 2000. It bounces back between both now and then, in a story of love, heart ache, & friendship. ENJOY!

    In the mirror I didn’t see my twenty-eight year old-self, I saw the fifteen year old girl with a passion. It might not have been a passion that would get me anywhere in life, but it made all the bad stuff go away. With my newly purchased Hanson shirt from the mall, bell bottoms, and pink doc martins I was set for the show. I made sure to save up my allowance money for the shirt. It was my favorite one; a green t-shirt with a silver circle in the middle; and the three brothers in the center.

    I shook my head, and realized; that was not who was standing there today. My old green Hanson shirt was replaced with a new one, without a picture. The words I, a heart, and Hanson were sprawled across a blue v-neck tee. My bell bottoms were now skinny, and on my feet were a pair of gray Toms.

    Although I was in my old room, staring through the same mirror I had as a kid; I did not live here anymore. I lived in my own apartment, with one daughter; and no husband. He left a few months ago, it was not a good, and I try not to think about it. I hadn’t been to a Hanson show in years, he would never let me go. I should have known then if someone doesn’t care for your passions, they aren’t worth it.

    I knew what my plan was right before the show, I would go to my dad’s diner in town and wait there until doors opened. My dad owned a little diner just outside the concert venue. I was surprised when they played at the venue, it wasn’t a huge venue, and back in 2000 they were still really well-known and popular. The show of course sold out in under a minute back then, and luckily my dad was able to score me tickets.

    I picked up my keys on the dining room table, and headed out the door. My mom insisted on watching my daughter, while I go relive my childhood. It had been a long thirteen years of not seeing them. How could I have ever gotten to that point. Ten years of my life were wasted, I would never get them back. Although there was one good thing out of it, my daughter.

    I said my goodbyes, and headed to the car. I drove a beat down  green two-door hyndai accent. It was the car I had when I turned sixteen. My mom used it after I left and got married. The car I was driving was taken my my ex. She gladly gave me back my old car.


    I remember the drive to the concert that day too. Originally this was moms midlife crisis car, but my father insisted it be mine when I was sixteen. It was nice back then, but the green was a little too much. Of course my mom wanted to drive me in it to the show. I sat in the backseat, my mom bopping along to ‘MMMbop’ in the front. We were meeting dad at the diner before the show. Mom went on and on about how excited she was to finally see a show. I really wanted to go alone, but at fifteen my parents would not allow me to go on my own. The town was busy with other fans on their way to the show. Down the street a line of kids and their parents waited in front of the venue. Mom pumped up the music, as we passed. I slouched down in my seat hoping no one saw me.


    This drive was much different, I was alone and not listening to ‘MMMbop’. I was enjoying the sounds of their latest album ‘Anthem’. I didn’t have it blasting, and I didn’t have to slouch in embarrassment. The crowd was somewhat different then back in the day. I noticed sleeping bags, and a tent on the sidewalk. Girls had been lined up, not only for that day, but days before. We were all much older, and were able to do our own thing. I guess to each their own, right?

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