Eight Years Gone (Dramione)

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Warning. Boarding Smut. Read at your own risk.

Hope it's good. A little one shot that bothered me yesterday and just had to come out. Probably crap... Leave a comment! I'm dying for feedback.

- Madi


Eight years gone.

Time is a rather fickle concept. It can change everything with a trivial flourish of a wand or three distinct turns on a gold polished time turner. Eight years come and gone as if someone skipped a handful pages in a novel. Their novel.

The war had ended with Voldemort's fall. Everyone stepped up soon after to bring the Wizarding World back together. All giving a helping hand in restoring peace.

Everything went according to the plan, her plan. Well for the first few years at least. This past year on the other hand, was not exactly what she planned but it was still all in the same realm. There were still the bumps and bruises of life that changed thing but she dealt with it the best she could.

But tonight. Tonight was never part of the plan.

Hermione could still hear the echoes of Ronald's words as she stared at the empty chair across from her. Her leg crossed the other elegantly while she held a wine glass in her right hand. She then watched the deep burgundy drink swishing in her glass before taking a rather generous gulp.

Hermione wasn't surprised when Ron had said it. The words they'd been dancing around for almost a year, probably longer. Sure the timing was a bit of a shock, it was after all the week of their seventh anniversary.


"Just say it Ronald." She huffed watching him as he looked around the room. "Say whatever has you in such a foul mood this evening- Hell. This past week even."

Ron rolled his eyes while she pointed to the wine bottle that lifted off the table, pouring yet another glass for her.

"What do you want Hermione?" He spoke for the second time this evening. "Because if it's this-" he lifted his hands to the fancy restaurant decorated in white and gold. "If it's your constant need to work, to help others instead of yourself, then I don't know..."

Hermione stared at her ginger husband in confusion.

"What are you even talking about?" She quipped quickly before waving the bottle down. "You're upset I got a promotion at work?"

She huffed yet again leaning closer to make sure she was understanding him correctly. He just stared silently.

"You're throwing a tantrum because of that? Because I value helping others so they can have better lives. Making sure I'm doing everything I can to make a difference." She gritted her teeth slightly. "Excuse me for giving a damn-"

"Come off it Hermione." He scoffed. "Your job is for you."

"Is that what you think?" She hissed. "So what if I like working. It's something that I enjoy. It's something I'm proud of. Where I can accomplish my goals and help others in the process."

"I-" he exhale roughly and groaned. "I hear so much about these goals of yours lately I can't  help but wonder if you have any goals outside of work."

Hermione paused, instantly knowing what he was talking about. Turning away sharply and grabbing her glass once again.

"We talked about this Ron," she whispered. "I just have a few more things I want to do before settling down. I just-"

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