Chapter 2

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A few hours later

ShaLi was just dozing off when she heard a raspy voice speak in her ear. She looked around wildly, and saw that her friends were freaking out as well. ChaBo understood, and shouted over the words of the hoarse-voiced man. "It's Silar! Listen to the message!" ShaLi listened carefully, and then, when the message was over, looked at her wrists. Sure enough, there was a pulsing blue light under her skin. She went over to ChaBo, and started tapping. What do I do? It has to come out. How do I get it out?

ChaBo seemed to know what she was talking about, because she grasped for ShaLi's wrist. She dug her fingernail into the vain, and if ShaLi had a voice, she would've screamed. Instead, she almost blacked out from pain. She finally yanked a gray square, about 1 inch in length and width out of her wrist, which was flashing blue and white.

ChaBo stuck it under the cushion of her leather seat, then called for Wyatt. Wyatt shook his head, and then concentrated for a moment. All the sudden, his skin started to melt, revealing a smooth, white exoskeleton underneath. It covered his whole body, and his face... His face was shiny white except for cut outs of eyes, a nose, and a mouth. His eyes were absent in this strange new form. He tried to open his mouth, and found that it was sealed shut. He was a perfect copy of a Faceless.

JoVan had been watching him with the same intensity that ShaLi had. Wyatt looked down, and realized that his skin, bones, and blood were lying in a puddle on the floor. He rummaged through it, and found the chip. ShaLi shuddered and looked away, but JoVan was overjoyed. "It works!" he exclaimed, and started to concentrate as well. ShaLi explained all of this to ChaBo, who merely shook her head.

"Gross. Now, tell me when they're done with their transformation, so we can test out our powers." ShaLi waited for a minute, then touched ChaBo's hand to let her know that they were ready. ChaBo, meanwhile, had been digging for the chip, trying her best not to cry out, and failing. ShaLi went over Silar's directions in her head, making sure she knew what to do. Become one with their mind. Get into their head. Let them know you are in control. Concentrate. You are their master.

Silar's bloodthirsty words sent a chill down ShaLi's back. This man was not normal. Yes, he was powerful, but he was insane. He was ruining people's lives for his own gain. But you gave yourself to him, she thought bitterly. You have no one to blame but yourself for this mess. This whole time, ShaLi had tried to convince herself that they were doing this for the greater good. But the more she thought about it, she just wanted her voice back.

ChaBo's voice jolted her back to reality. "So? Are they ready?" ShaLi looked over, and saw that they had both changed back into humans. She nodded, checked herself, and tapped out Yes. ChaBo took a deep breath. "Okay, guys. The first time we do this, it's going to sound weird. We'll be talking to you, and you can talk with us. Wait, Wyatt tapped out, his hands shaking. Do you mean... we can talk to you? In our heads? And... you can talk to us? "Yes." she confirmed. Well, in that case... I would like ShaLi to take control of me. ChaBo tilted her head, then sighed.

"Well, I don't have a problem with it. Go ahead, ShaLi. Show them how it's done." ShaLi stepped forward, her head spinning. Into their head... their master... you are in control... concentrate... She tilted her head up and looked straight into the pupils of Wyatt's eyes and stared...

I see... what do I see? I see... is that me?! Yes, that is me. Am I really in his head? And this is what he sees? ShaLi scratched her head. This was all so very confusing. It must be for him too... can I speak? "Hello? I can speak!! Wyatt, can you hear me? Can you speak too?"

ShaLi prayed for a response. After a pause, she heard him. "ShaLi... we can talk to each other! Do you know what this means? It means that we found a loop! A way around this whole power thing!" ShaLi looked around suspiciously. "Why do you sound so close?" "Because I am close! I'm right behind you!" ShaLi spun around, and saw that he was, indeed right behind her. They seemed to just be floating around in darkness, and if she thought really hard about the words 'I see', she could see out of his body.

ShaLi followed Silar's directions, directing herself throughout Wyatt's mind. 'I think' brought up what he was thinking, 'I hear' brought up what he was hearing, and 'I feel' brought up what he physically felt, as well as how to control his body. It felt as if this was all engraved in ShaLi's mind, like this was perfectly natural. She knew exactly what she was doing.

ShaLi found that she could bring up multiple senses at once, and she surrounded herself with as much information as possible. It was a bit like a touchscreen holograph, where she controlled everything with merely her thoughts. Wyatt's avatar had disappeared, and she was completely alone in this strange place. She started moving around, finding it easy.

ShaLi found her body again, and noted how vulnerable it was, just lying there. She looked at her friends, and saw that JoVan was looking back at her, while ChaBo was listening intently. She made Wyatt clap his hands softly. I think I have the hang of this. ChaBo clapped her hands. "Good! So you'll be able to work with the plan tomorrow?" She made Wyatt nod, and then JoVan told ChaBo that yes, she would.

They were beginning to understand each other without having to say anything. ShaLi reflected on this as she exited Wyatt's mind and entered her own. This wasn't just a bit of trust. This was mutual understanding. They were all forming a bond. ShaLi tapped out her message hesitantly. After all of this is over... do you think we'll stay with each other?

JoVan looked thoughtful. "I think so. If all goes as planned, and we don't die, of course." ShaLi looked over at Wyatt, who looked queasy. He pointed at you. That was not enjoyable. It was nice that we could talk, but when you started moving... He shuddered, and ShaLi couldn't help but laugh her silent laugh. ChaBo took her turn next, and as soon as she took control, she screamed.

"I can see!" This shocked Wyatt and ShaLi, and they all ran over to where JoVan was standing. He spun around a few times, and looked everywhere he could, his eyes wide. "It's so strange! I can't feel anything, but I can still move... Wow, Wyatt, you look so different from what I imagined. And... wow. Some sorry state this house is in!" This went on for quite some time, ChaBo babbling away, until ShaLi, unexpectedly, fell asleep.

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