Oh No!

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"Lahabiel darling" The sound of mothers voice pulled my mind back to reality, setting down the sketch I had of my little sister April I made my way into the cozy three bedroom cabin me and my family shared. By family I meant me, April, my mother and father, plus my younger twin brother's Zander and Keth.

"Yes mother?" My mother was standing in the kitchen looking at the TV playing in the corner of the leaving room, which was directly next to the kitchen.

The announcer was saying something about a new law, turning the TV up I listened closely. " As of tomorrow, Any hybrid over fifteen must be sent to auction three times before they are aloud to return home to there family's!" Wait what? I was sixteen, I didn't want to be sent to auction. Just because I'm a fox hybrid doesn't make me a pet to any vampire or supernatural being. "Police will be going around tomorrow to collect any hybrid over fifteen, with that have a great night everyone."

Turning to my mother I saw tears start to run down her face, running over I embrace her in a hug. She wrapped her arms around my waist and held me close. Three times, just three times? I mean, I could survive that. I'm not entirely what you would look for in a fox hybrid, my white ears and tail are not very soft and attractive, my white hair fly's everywhere all the time, my body is average and I'm slightly underweight. Though since vampires rule the world and they think of hybrids as disposables I guess it's just  a good thing I'm alive.

"Lacy!" Taking a step back from my mom I see my friend Lexi, shes a horse hybrid, her hair and tail are black while her ears a dark chocolate brown. "Did you hear about the new law?" I nod sadly, by this time tomorrow me, Lexi, and our friend Jack, a tiger hybrid, would be on our way to the auctions.

"Hey mom can Lexi spend the night?" My mother smiles softly and nods turning to Lexi who was shaking, which wasn't very normal to see.

"Hey Lexi, let's go hang with the kits" I say taking her by the elbow and lead her out to the porch where I see my ten year old sister April being bugged by the seven year old twins. Zander had latched onto her red tail and Keth was pulling on her ears. The funny thing was I was the only one in the family with a white tail and ears, everyone else had red tails tipped with white and red ears tipped in black almost.

"Boys, why are you yanking on your sister?" Both of the boys turned to me with startled eyes before unlatching themselves and running over to me and Lexi.

"Where sorry Lacy, LEXI!" geez those kids could be a handful, Zander had already taken hold of Lexi's left leg and Keth was holding his hand's up for her to pick him up. 

"Hey dude" Lexi picked up Keth and rubbed behind his ear and sat down on the porch, just as I felt a tug on my tail. Turning around I looked down at my sister.

"Can we talk.." she pointed to the tree set next to the house ".. over there?" I nodded and followed her over to the tree. "You're leaving tomorrow aren't you?" how did she know that? "I've got good hearing remember" She chuckled softly before looking back up at me.

"Yes, me, Lexi and Jack and possibly a couple other teens, that means you have to watch over the rascals till I get back okay." I smiled softly and hugged her tight, for tomorrow I would be leaving and if faith truly hated me.. I might not be back for a while.

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