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Quick A/N: I'm trying something a bit different this time. This chapter was inspired by one of my dear readers who reached out to me through my private message. PaperBlanks this chapter is for you. Thank you for offering me your amazing work for my story. The rest of you will understand as you read on. Enjoy.

"No butler to greet us?"

Mia gave Eli a dull glance and closed the door after them. Discarding her jacket, she hung it up on her coatrack. "Guest bedroom is through that door. You can set up in there, put Elana to bed."

Eli didn't reply, just went straight for the room, carrying the sleeping Elana on his arm. He closed the door and that was that. Mia stood a little in her entrée before she sighed and then headed for the kitchen. She decided she needed a drink.

Things were just so messed up. How did the guy who vandalized her school (who turned out not to be the vandalist) end up staying at her place? A guy who she initially hated was now the guy she was currently fucking. And on top of that, a side of the world she never thought she would have anything to do with was now something she had chosen to involve herself in.

Mia fished out a much needed beer from her fridge and twisted the cap off before taking a long sip. Unlike most people assumed, she didn't mind a good beer. I didn't always have to be champagne and caviar, although if you asked Eli, he'd probably disagree. Rich chicks stereotypes and all that.

Massaging her shoulder with one hand, Mia walked into her living room with her beer. She took a seat and leaned back comfortably in her couch while absentmindedly thinking about everything. What was she going to do with them now that they were here? What was the next step?

The guest bedroom door silently opened and Eli came out. Glancing at him for a moment, Mia tiredly yawned and then closed her eyes, settled in her sofa. She heard his footsteps walk into the kitchen, and a minute later she heard the fridge open - the sound of another beer popping open.

"You're not twenty-one yet, Eli." She reminded him tiredly.

He came back into the living room, taking a seat on the couch across from her. "What are you going to do? Turn me in?"

Of course he knew she wouldn't.

Sitting up, Mia glanced at him as he took a sip of his beer, licking his lips afterwards. His Adam's apple bobbed, making the lotus on his neck dance and stand out on his skin. Beautiful.

Mia shook her head. She really needed some sleep "I'm gonna go to bed. See you tomorrow?"


She got up from the couch and walked up to her own bedroom. Pausing when a thought struck her, she then hesitantly looked back at Eli who just sat there, sipping his beer. Why didn't he go to bed, too? "Unless... do you want to talk?"

"Go to bed, Mia. You have school tomorrow."

She had already mentally decided hours ago that she was calling in sick tomorrow. She wanted to make sure him and Elana got settled properly.

"Alright. Goodnight then. Sleep tight."

He didn't reply, but she didn't expect him to. Mia went to bed and knew that when morning came, she would have to make some good excuse to her school as to why she wasn't coming in.

Genius (CENTURIES series: Book #2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum