One Of The Stellars (Preview!)

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  • Dedicated to Hilarie Stein

Chapter 1

"Eek!" I squeal, laughing. "Cole! Stop it now! Aah!" I squirm around helplessly. I try, unsuccessfully, to get him off of me by kicking and screaming.

"What did you say, Mia? I don't understand your painfully girly shrieks," he teases me. Cole laughs as he continues to tickle me.

"Shut up! You heard me!" I laugh - not because he's amusing me, but rather because he's continuously tickling me.

"Did I?" he grins. He tickles me harder, making me laugh even more. "Just say it!"

I gasp for air. "Okay! Okay! I'll say it! Just stop - *gasp* - tickling me!"

He stops tickling me and pins me on his bed. He gets onto me and holds my arms down, making sure I don't escape him. "Now say it!"

I don't say anything. I just look up at him and gaze at his gorgeous green eyes. Even though we've been best friends since we were 2 years old, I've never been able to get over his eyes. They're the most amazing eyes I've ever seen in my entire life. Sure, mine are cool too (they change from brown to green, depending on what mood I'm in), but they're nothing compared to Cole's.

"You done star-gazing?" he jokes. Cole knows how much I love his eyes. Well, to be honest, he knows pretty much everything about me.

Suddenly an idea pops into my head. A sly smile spreads across my face.

"I know that look, Mia. And whatever it is that you're scheming of, I'm not going to let you do it. Not until you say it!" he says, his grip tightening around my wrists.

"Fine." I take a deep breath for exaggeration. "...It."

I feel his grip start to loosen. "Wait... What?"

"You keep telling me to say 'it' so I did," I explain, slightly giggling.

His grip loosens even more as he takes time to think about what I just said. Seizing my chance, I quickly pull my wrists out of his grasp, push him off of me and quickly run out of his room. I slam the door shut behind me and hold the doorknob with all my might as Cole tries to open the door.

Cole and I are both 15 years old, but we can pass as 18 if we had to. Mostly because I'm tall and have a very mature face and because Cole works out. A lot. Which, in this situation, doesn't help me very much.

"Matt!" I yell. "Come help me! Quick!" I hear him running up the stairs to help me.

Matt is Cole's younger brother. He's 12 years old and is the sweetest kid I know. He really looks up to me and Cole. And I should probably mention that when Cole and I are goofing around and Cole's winning - like right now, for instance - Matt will always come and try to help me.

"What's the matter, Mia? Did you lock Cole in his room again?" he asks, running over to help me.

I smile. "Yeah. Think you can help?"

Matt gives me the cutest smile and nods. At that very moment, Cole manages to open the door. He chuckles. "Mia, Mia, Mia. You know you can't escape me!" He does a pretend evil laugh and starts to run towards me.

I turn around and run as fast as I can away from Cole. I can hear him right behind me. Just as I think Cole's about to catch me... BOOM! I spin around to see what happened and laugh.

"Run, Mia, run!" Matt says, wrestling Cole on the floor. I guess he must have tackled him as Cole was about to catch me.

Knowing that someone as small as Matt can't hold Cole for too long, I run down the stairs onto the first floor. I glance around in the kitchen, living room, dining room, and even the bathroom, looking for a place to hide. Giving up, I run down to the basement. As I enter the den, I see Noah playing Black Ops on the PS3.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2012 ⏰

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