Chapter One : Drones

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" It feels like summer break was just yesterday.", I groaned riding in Sammie's new teal low-top Volkswagen Beatle.

"I know right my summer ended so quickly! I was having fun at my Aunts beach house in Miami showing off my new bikini.", Sammie said wiggling her eyebrows. Looking at Samantha now she's really grown up but she hasn't changed one bit she's still the same old party animal /fashionista Sammie.

"All I did was stay in Chicago with my Grandmother." , I huffed I loved Grammie but the most exciting thing I did there was take the Montrail . As soon as we pulled up into the parking lot we got a glance of what we were up against this year. These group of snobs have been here sice 5th grade honestly the twins weren't that bad until Stefani moved into to town that year now Janet and Katherine Ale were her drones.

"Why out of all places did she have to come here." , Sammie said looking annoyed as I did.

"Why do we have to live under them." , I whined. As I got out the car I spotted a guy, I guy who looked like he could be a male model!!

'Wow.' I though to myself. 'He's defiantly not the usual guy you see around here.'

The usual guys around were either jocks, jocks who were pervs, and nerds. And Tosin Gates totally fit the second category. Dating Stefani the Royal bi- tach herself you would've thought he had more respect but nope he didn't he always made it his duty to stare at me and when I'd look at him he would say something totally out of line like: " Ohhh Freak here is actually after the "D" after all I owe you 20 bucks bro." then he'd fist bump the guy he now owed money to.

What a jerk

"Hello? Earth to Charolette.", Sammie complained waving a hand in front of my face. I quickly snapped back into focus.

"Welcome back freaks." Stefani sneered head of the group me and Sammie nicknamed "Brainless Barbies"

"You look horrible Stef what happened to you over the summer." ,Sammie quickly said back. She always had a set of balls against Stefani and the Drones metaphorically speaking.

"Like she got hit by a bus." I said to Sammie standing right next to me. We couldn't help but laugh .

" LOL you guys that was soooo funny." Stefani squealed "Oh please Stef chill out jeez.", I said stepping out of my comfort zone. At that moment Stefani looked like she was about to blow a fuse.

"DON'T CALL ME STEF! Only people with lives can!", she shot back.

"Wow that leaves you and your groupies out of the running sorry." I said faking a sad face and shrugging my shoulders.

" Very original but remember freak" Stefani said coming face to face with me " I own you and this school." , she whispered in my ear. "Now if you guys are done with this idiot- fest some people have lives to live and things to do." , she said turning around with her posse close on her heels, literally.

" I don't get them." , Sammie said

" Whatever." I said just wanting to forget about Stefani Maroc' all together.

"Your PLASTIC! P-L-A-S-T-I-C THAT IS IF YOU CAN SPELL!" , Sammie yelled after them. Oh yea did I mention my best friend was crazy? Oh well gotta love her.

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