chapter one - chemistry between two sisters

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I have wrote this book from my imagination. I made up the characters but I have used ideas from my actual life. :) So if you see this story anywhere else, please tell me as I have only put it on this website. Thanks :) Hope you enjoy :D

"Lamia! We're going to be late!" I shouted. I should've known she was going to make us late for school. Lamia is my twin sister but you would have thought we weren't related at all. She was small and skinny, her skin a shade of ill white. Her hair was black, long and straight. It hung over her face, did nothing but she didn't care. Unlike me. I'm tall, quite skinny and my skin is pale but not white. My hair is blonde and is naturally curly, making me look like a little dolly. But our looks weren't the only thing that made us look completely different. Her personality is dark and twisted, most of the time people are scared of her. Yet, again, I was a cheery person and I seem to have many friends.

"I'm coming Arella!" She said sharply. Her voice stung like a bee sting. We weren't your stereotypical twins but I loved her anyway.

"Lamia! I'm leaving without you!" I opened the front door and stepped out into the autumn morning. It was cold but the leaves falling off the trees were a beautiful golden brown. I walked down the path to the road and stepped onto the bus.

"My sister is just coming. Could you wait for her please?" The bus driver looked round me at the front door. He smelled like alchohol and had a grey beard. He scratched his head, flakes of dandruff falling to the floor.

"This bus waits for no-one." He stared at me. I gave him a dirty look and stepped off the bus. I he wasn't waiting, I was. He gave me an evil smirk and closed the doors and drove off. I turned round and Lamia was standing behind me.

"He wouldn't wait for you."

"OK. We better start walking." Lamia started walking towards the school and I muttered behind her. Not even a thank you. Or a thanks. Or a ta. Nothing. Fine. I sped up my walking pace and passed her. She shrugged and carried on walking behind me.

We reached the school gate. I remembered what I was in and dreaded it. Chemistry. Lamia was in my class. Great. I carried on, heading towards my... our class. We both arrived and I knocked on the door and a chubby man with a shirt that was too tight and a colourful tie opened it.

"Sorry we're late, Sir." I gave him an apologetic smile and he gave me a smile back.

"Yeah, sorry." Lamia walked in and he stopped her. "What?"

"Miss Lamia, I want to see you at lunch time detention. Today." He folded his arms and gave her a stern look. She rolled her eyes and walked on. I heard her mutter something about how it was always her getting into trouble and never me. I ignored it, even though it was true. I sat down at a square table and Lamia sat across from me.

"Right class. Now that's everyone is here," He gave Lamia a harsh look. What a dick. "We can continue our experiment. Today, we re going to see what happens when alkali metals react in water..." Mr Linch trailed off. I stopped listening. I could see Lamia had too. She looked pissed off, her anger slowly growing inside.

"Arella?" I quickly turned my head and Mr Linch' s dark eyes were staring back. A slight panic look crossed my face. "You will be paired with Lamia as your partners aren't here today."

Lamia gave me a dark look. Ugh. I knew she didn't want to work with me. She stood up from her stool swiftly and went to get the aparatus. I sighed and rested my head down on the cold surface. Today was going to be long.

I jerked my head up when Lamia slammed the equipment on the desk. I shook my head. There was no need for that.

"We better get started then." I said calmly.

"Yes, we should" Lamia said through gritted teeth. We put water in a beaker and cut a very tiny piece of sodium.

" Right, now we have that sorted, we are going to put the sodium in the water. Remember safety goggles!" Mr Linch looked nervous. I think someone was going to do the experiment wrong and the place would blow up. 

"Lets just do this." Lamia picked up the piece of sodium and placed it in the water. It began to fizz, like normal.

"Miss Lamia! Your goggles!" Mr Linch was getting at her today. More than normal.

"Fine!" She shouted, her anger was growing. She looked back at sodium and it burst into flames. I was pretty sure that wasn't meant to happen. Lamia jumped back a little. I noticed her eyes were black. Her eyes changed from icy blue to black. How does that happen? The little piece of sodium was still burning and I looked at it and it died. Lamia was staring at me now. We both jumped when the beaker smashed and bits went flying.

"Oh, gosh!" Mr Linch ran over and started cleaning the mess. "You two go to the nurses office. Now." Me and Lamia picked up our things and headed out the door, a sea of eyes staring at us. We had just passed the corner and Lamia slammed me against the wall.

"Do you think that is funny?" She was shouting in my face. 

"What?" I was confused and I think she saw that.

"So, you weren't trying to get me into trouble?" I shook my head.

"No. I have no idea how that happened. I am just as confused as you are, now lets go to the Nurse." She released me and we both started walking again, an awkward silence grew between us.

We were just about to walk in but I stopped her. She looked at me as if I were crazy.

"Lamia. Your eyes went black when it went up in flames..." I turned around and went to walk in. She grabbed my shoulder.

"What do you mean? They just went... black?" She started to freak out a little. I tried to calm her down. 

"Maybe, we should go see the Nurse."

"Arella, I should tell you somethi--"

I smiled at her. "It's OK. Tell me later." Then we both walked in.

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