chapter 1

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* ring *

* ring *

* ring *

I couldn't handle the anoying ringing my phone made so I quickly took my phone and answered it without looking at the screen.

" what ? "

" is this how you greet your best friend ? Okay I'm officially hurt right now.. "

I chuckled at my best friend's silliness.

" hello how ya doin Kate.. are you happy now ? And besides.. why are you calling me at 6 in the freaking morning ? "

" to answer your first question, yes I'm happy and your second question , because you need to get up, wear your clothes and quickly come to school because we have a math test today and it's the first class, so you better not come late "

Wait, what is she talking about ? Math test ? Ooh sh*t !! I totally forgot.

" oh my god !! I totally forgot, thanks for reminding me "

" I knew you'd forget " Kate says laughing.

Thank god for Kate , if she didn't tell me I would probably come late and besides.. i really need to review before I go to class because I'm really not looking forward to failing math.

I said bye to Kate and hung up.

I charged my phone and went to the bathroom I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth, I walked to my walk in closet and picked my outfit for the day ( the picture is up ).

I brushed my dark brown hair and I straightened it , i applied a small amount of makeup and then i took my bag and grabbed my books, pens, phone and my headphone and then i placed them inside my bag.

I looked at my self in the full- length mirror and I noticed my features, I got my mom's green eyes and dad's dark brown hair, every time I look at my eyes I remember my mother, she passed away a year ago but it feels like it was yesterday, she was my inspiration and she still is, she would always tell me that I could do anything if I put my mind to it.

So I repeated my mom's words to myself.

" I can do it. I can do it. I can do it "

I breathed slowly and smiled remembering her soft voice.


I went down stairs to the kitchen where my little sister, angel , and my dad are sitting.

" good morning " I said with a smile.

" good morning, Celia. come sit down I made pancakes, I know it's your favorite. " dad replied to me.

" no thanks dad but I'm gonna be late, I want to review for the math test before the class begins "

" okay, good luck " dad says with a smile.

Dad was really affected by mom's death, and I know that he is trying to be strong for both, angel and me.

I looked at angel feeling sad that she lost her mother at the age of 10, I always try to make her happy, and I always will be there for her, no matter what.

I went to my car and got in and started driving to school.

I turned on music from my phone and started singing along with it.


I parked my car and started texting Kate :

●To: Kate

me: Hey, I arrived at school.

re u in the library ??

Kate: FINALLY !!
Yes I'm in the library, in the usual spot.

Kate: guess who's here ;) ♡♡

me: who ??

Kate: Ben parish !! ;) ♡♡

me: don't do anything stupid !!! I'm on my way..

Kate: k , I'm waiting..


I went to the the library to our usual spot.

" hey, you didn't do anything stupid did you ? " I asked Kate truly concerned about my best friend, knowing that she is the worst person in earth that can haddle these situations.

" off course not, since when do i do stupid things in front of my crush ? "

I looked at her with a (are you serious) look.

" okay I might of done something last time, but I promise I didn't this time "

" okay, I believe you " I said,
then I remembered what she did last time so I started laughing.

Few people started staring at us because I was laughing a little too loud in a library.

But thank god Miss.Riley wasn't here early or she would've kicked us out of the library.

" why are you laughing ? " Kate asked looking confused.

I couldn't say anything because I was laughing my heart out.

" Celia.. what the hell is wrong with you ? " Kate asked again looking even more confused.

" s-sorry.. i just remembered what you did last time " I said while trying to stop myself from laughing again.

" I thought we agreed on erasing this horrible memory from our brain ! " Kate said while her face turned pink from blushing.

" okay, your right.. we did agree "

" thank you , now can we please focus on the math test " Kate said trying to change the supject.

" yeah come on, we have 25 minutes until class starts " I said while getting my book and notebook out of my bag.

We started reviewing together the lessons, and I keep noticing her every few minutes looking at ben.

They would really be adorable together.


Hey guys !!

First chapter is done.
Tell me what you think so far.

I'll try to update the 2nd chapter ASAP..
stay tuned.


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