Chapter 2

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At the end of the show, Zac gave away his drumsticks to a random girl in the front row of the audience. Taylor shook hands with more of the fans, and once again stopped to shake Alicia's and Samantha's hands. He smiled at them, and nodded for them to head backstage. He didn't want to cause too much commotion by saying it outloud, that they were more than welcome to come on back. The girls smiled back, and headed that way. The guard of course had no idea about this, and wasn't about to let them back there though. He was about to escort them out of the venue after a few minutes of arguing when Isaac came up to them. " It's okay. They are more than welcome to come on back."

With a nod, he unblocked their path and they followed Isaac backstage. " Thank you, Isaac." Alicia smiled at him. " That was quite a show tonight. You guy's were amazing as ever."

" Thank you." He smiled back at Alicia, then looking over at Samantha. " It's good to see you again. It's been awhile."

" Yeah. I've been doing my thing in Broadway." Samantha smiled at him. " It's been great. Although I am still waiting for a big role to come my way."

" There is no doubt in my mind you will get one. You always were very talented, Samantha." He opened the door to the dressing room, letting them in first. " And they would be fools to not see that."

Taylor and smiled big at the girls as they walked in, and gave them both a little hug. Taylor kissed Samantha on the cheek, and her face turned bright red. " Hey Samantha. How are you?"

He pretended not to notice her face turning red from the kiss he gave her.

" Great. I've missed you, Taylor." She told him, with a huge smile on her face. " And you too, Zac. You always were the one to make me laugh no matter what kind of day I was having." She gave him another little hug.

" I'm glad you could make it out here for the show, Samantha." Zac told her. " Your looking great by the way." He complimented her, and her face an even brighter shade of red.

" What about me? Aren't I looking great too, Zac?" Alicia asked, fishing for a compliment herself.

" Alicia, I see you every so often. You haven't changed a bit." Zac told her with a laugh, making Samantha laugh.

" There she goes again, looking for attention." Samantha laughed, shaking her head at her best friend.

" Hasn't she always been like that?" Taylor teased, laughing at Alicia's attempt for a compliment. She gave him a light smack for that comment, and he put an arm around her. " You know you are a knock out, Alicia." He kissed her on the cheek too.

The five of them joked around for a bit, and then the girls left so that the guys could freshen up a bit before greeting other fans who were dying to meet them. Samantha drove back to Alicia's house, where she was staying. She hadn't felt like staying alone in her mom's home, where her mom no longer was. She had died just a couple years ago from cancer, and her older brother was unwilling to part with the house just yet.

When they got to the house, Alicia's first idea was to order some pizza for a late dinner. But Samantha just wanted something quick so that she could get to bed. Talking her out of the pizza, she made them each a grilled cheese sandwhich and some tomato soup.

" Those boys sure are looking good, aren't they?" Alicia asked, taking a bite of her sandwhich.

Samantha nodded. " All three look amazing. They sure grew up nice." She smiled. " Especially Taylor. I have to admit, he is just... so damn hot. There's something about him that is drawing me to him. I don't know what it is."

" Your face turned so red when he kissed you on the cheek. It looked about as red as this soup." Alicia laughed. " I'm surprised he didn't notice."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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