Arguments & Advice

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I'd like to start off by saying thank you for getting this story to almost 200 reads! Never in my mind would I have thought that you lovely people would enjoy something of mine. Thank you so much, I love all of you, I genuinely am grateful.

"Oh hello my love, how are you," Mrs.Holland walked through the door with her arms out. She went towards Nina and squeezed her tightly. "Hello, mother," Nina greeted awkwardly while keeping a fake smile and eyes on Kareena.

Kareena and Nina gave looks as if they were saying "great," and "you're telling me."

Nola Holland, Nina's mother, looked like an older version of her daughter. She would always get "aren't you two sisters?" and would always eat it up. Her father, William Garter-Holland, was a tall,  fifty-six-year-old man, fit for his age. Very intimidating if you ask Any of her brother's high school friends, that is. "Hey Dove, how are ya," William greeted his daughter and kissed her forehead. He had to bend down a bit to reach her height of 5'5 under his overwhelming 6'1. "I'm fine dad, how are you," Nina wiped her cheek as William walked pass. "Ah well, you know..."

Her brother Anthony looked exactly like Nina. Same features, a bit taller than her, but he was toned and fit. How a 22-year-old man should look in his eyes. Anthony always wanted a younger sister ever since he was a boy, and ever since Nina was born they've been awfully close. Anthony was a huge Aerosmith fan, too. How fun would it be to tell him about the situation at hand.

He ignored Nina and went straight for Kareena. She only rolled her eyes at his attempt to get her attention. Kareena was way too good for Anthony.

"Dove, can you put our bags in the guest room please?" Nola called from the kitchen area of the apartment. Four heavy suitcases and three more packed carry on purses. "This isn't going to be a challenge at all," she whispered sarcastically. There were two bedrooms in the apartment: the guest room and her own bedroom. Her parents would occupy the guest and Joey would share Nina's room with her.

"I'm... gonna go help Nina with the bags," Kareena insisted, desperate for a reason to get away from her friend's annoying older brother. By the time she managed to stray and get to Nina's bedroom, Nina wasn't there. Kareena then looked into the guest room to find her there. "Thank god," she gasped and closed the door behind her.

Nina was sitting on the edge of the king sized mattress folding clothes from a random suitcase. As the door shut she looked up to see who was disturbing her.

"So you gonna mention him?" the bold female voice asked.

"Who?" Nina had forgotten for a second of what Kareena was talking about for a second. Then she remembered. Oh...damn, she thought.

Nina stopped folding and in place began to think. Think about how her family would react. William would probably like him. He listens to Aerosmith's music all the time how could he disapprove? Nola was more into French Opera and sure as hell didn't know who Aerosmith was, let alone a fork and a spoon. "Cut your hair," she'd probably say. Mother would not take a liking to Joe Perry at all. Anthony couldn't get enough of Aerosmith. He had all of their albums and swears he discovered them. He didn't know about them before last year, though.

"I'm overthinking this," thought Nina. If this ' thing' they were going to have was even anything to invest time into. For all she knew, Joe Perry could end up acting like a complete jerk and they would barely survive the first date. She gives him a chance anyway. Nina slowly laid back into the bed as if Kareena hadn't said a word to her. Thoughts spread to what Joe might be doing at the moment. Maybe he was worried too,  she thought.

"Not today," Nina replied out of her thoughts finally. "I really want to introduce them after the first date though-". "No no no no no!", Kareena disproved of the suggestion. "You have to wait. And you're talking a week into the relationship", she walked over to Nina's side of the bed. "Nina, for all you know he's a dirt ball with a groupie for every day of the week!"

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