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        Dear bully,

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe just maybe...

That girl you just called FAT?

Is over-doesing on diet pills.

That girl you just called UGLY?

She spent hours putting makeup on hoping people would like her.

That boy you tripped?

Yeah, well he's abused enough at home.

See that man with the scars??

He fought for his country.

The guy you just made fun of for crying??

He's mother is dying.

Put yourselves in there shoes one day.

Feel what they've felt.

People who have to live through this day by day are stronger than you can imagen.

People who couldn't take it much longer......

Doesn't mean they were weak....

Its just that the pain was much stronger...

Rest in peace....

~ Jason Minix 10/12/11 </3

~Mekenna Cass 10/09/10 </3

~Brandon Tilley 04/13/11 </3

~Michel Jameson 10/24/11 </3

~Tyler Clementi 10/22/10 </3

~Seth Walsh 9/28/10 </3

~Brandon Erie 9/05/11 </3

~Courtney Stone 9/2/2011 </3

~Andre Keller 02/13/12 </3

~Lucy 01/07/12 </3

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