One Year With 1D

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Chapter 1: Keep Calm And Get Ready

A/N: Chapter dedicated to @amityheartgirl Karen, for this cover! Officially in love with the cover!! :3 Thanks for much <3 xx

Layna POV:

I jumped up and down, fangirling. Hey, you can't deny a girl from fangirling when she is gonna spend a year with her beloved idols, right? Anyway it is better fangirling down than in front of them, right? What matters is how to convince my parents to let me go and live with One Direction... It will certainly be hard, convincing your parents to let you live with five boys they don't know and out of their eyesight...

"Mum! Dad! Can I talk to you guys for a moment?"

Oh, and I am the only child, so my parents would probably be over-protective and stop me from going. But I have to face this, right? I am twenty now, so even if they don't want me to go, I am still legally able to go. However, my parents are important to me, and I want to have their blessing. Urgh, that sounds like I am going to date or marry someone. Let me rephase. I want to have their permission.

"Okay, darling, we are coming upstairs in a moment." Mom half-shouted from downstairs.

" 'Kay mom."

Yes, call me a baby girl, but my parents call me darling instead of my name. Calling me a baby just shows that you are plain jealous ;P

"Darling, what is the matter?" My Mom asked, walking up the stairs with my Dad and sitting themselves on my either side.

"Um... Mom, Dad, I want to have a gap year between university and college graduation."

"Darling, what do you mean? You just graduated! Even if you are going to take a gap year, that is acceptable, but what about the arrangements? What are you going to do?" This time is was Dad who spoke.

"I am sorta invited to spend a year at One Direction's house... You know, the famous band... I guess I could take up self-study when they are not around, and that would be a lot, as they have to have vocal practices and recording sessions and interviews... I could take up music-writing and understand more about today's music... You guys know that I loved music, but I don't really get the chance of trying it out. This would be my chance of a life time."

A silence spread across the room. It was starting to become uncomfortable.

To my relief, Dad broke the silence.

"Darling, you are our only child and we will always support you, you know that. Just remember to text us when you arrive and every night. Call once two days. I would like the band members' phone numbers as well, so we can yell at them if you ever go missing. The band manager should give us his phone number too, just in case. We know we can't stop you, and we know that you would keep yourself safe and happy."

"Oh, thank you so much! I love you guys so much! I am so excited! I will keep myself safe, that is for sure! I will call you guys every day!" I jumped up excitedly, hugging Mom and Dad.

They both smiled. But the lecture doesn't seem to be over.

'After-all, you are over eighteen and we can't stop you. You are always a clever child, skipping a grade in primary school. Perhaps that year is meant to be used this way? Haha! Just remember to be safe. " Dad said smiling, but also sternly. Mom nodded.

"Thanks, Mom! Thanks, Dad! I love you guys so much!"

"So, when are you supposed to arrived at this band's house?" Mom asked.

"Ummm... Five days later." I answered, counting the days.

"And you haven't packed you things? Young lady, you are going to live there for a year! Better pack your things now! We will leave now and you can get some space and time to pack your things." Said Mom, who stood up along with Dad and left.

I was once again alone, thinking what I should pack.

Louis' POV:

Simon called us into his office. This is a bit strange as Uncle Si never does that unless there's something big going on...

"Hi boys!" Simon looked excited and flushed about something, and I suspect that is the thing he wants to tell us.

"Hi Uncle Si!" We replied cheerfully.

"You guys must be wondering why I called you into my office. Now, this is why!" He opened his iMac, and what appeared befor our eyes on the connected projecter is a Twitter account, one that me and all the boys knows, one that is vertified by Twitter, and more specificly, @Live_With_Celebrity(Celebrities)_For_One_Year account.

"Uncle Si... We know that yesterday the results for this competition came out, but they haven't said who that girl is going to live with, but with you showing this now, I will take a guess: Is she living with us?!" Liam asked, surprised yet thrilled at having another person in the house.

"Correct as always, Liam! As you guys have moved together in one house earlier this year, the housing problem will be solved and she would be able to spend timw with all of you. She will arrived on 15th October so you guys have to tidy the house. Especially Harry and Louis, you two need to clean up the room. The messiest two!" Simon shook his head while laughing.

"So, go and clean up now, I do believe that you guys need a lot of time. Bye, boys!"

"Bye, Uncle Si!" We waved at him and he waved back.

"Guys, let's do two rooms each day, who want to go first?" Liam asked as once he went out of Simon's office.

"Not me!"

"Not me!"

"Not me!"

Me, Harry and Zayn said at the same time, and bursted out laughing.

"Liam, can we pretend that we don't know them? We are getting lot's strange looks, you know..."

"Good idea, let's walk futher apart from these giggling guys."

"Hey! We are not giggling, that is what girls do!" Harry, being our cheeky one, piped up.

"Well... You three should be classified as girls, you know..."

"Liam Payne, be prepared to suffer and die!" I screamed, chasing after him and Niall.

After minutes of running, we got to our house and lay down on the sofa, feeling tired.

"Back to business, lads. What room first?"

"Let's do mine and the guest room first, it would be easier to start with." Niall offered, grinning.

"Then let's start!"

Well, that was when the cleaning torture started. Niall's room is NOT easy to start with at all. Maybe if you think dead insects like cockroachs and rotten food and a stinking room is easy to deal with, then it would probably be easy in your opinion. I sneaked out, pretending to go to the washroom, but perhaps fifteen minutes is too obvious showing that I am faking my need for the washroom...

"Louis! Just Keep Calm and Come Back to clean!"

"Liam! I have a stomach ache!"

Oh well... Liam talks in Keep calms now to tell us to keep calm over Niall's horrid room...

"Louis! I don't believe you! Last time when we cleaned Harry's room you said the same! Come back now! we need to Keep Calm and Get Ready!"

I cursed silently under my breath and unlocked the washroom door, walking towards Niall's room. I can smell the horrid smell now, but how come I never noticed that before? Probably because all these other food Niall hid there covered up the smell. The cleaning torture starts again, as Liam dragged me into the foul-smelling room. URGH!

(End of chapter 1)

Author's Note:

Yay! I finally edited this chapter. The next chapter would be dedicated to the first person who commented on this chapter! Yay :)



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