Chapter 7

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Chapter 6
Lili: I love you
Dan: I love you too
Phil: you met like an hour ago how can you love her
Dan kissed her agian but this time it had more feelings. she jumped up and wrapped her legs around him and they were still kissing
Issa: Dang this must be a record
we all laughed
JC: guys I think we better go home
Connor: yeah. I am single and ready to mingle as he walks up to Madeline
Trevor: wow there slow your roll there bro she is mine. I mean if she wants to be
Madeline: aw Connor--- I like Trevor so byyyeeee *turns around to face Trevor
Trevor: *kisses her on the cheek*
Madeline: Trevor.... Is this your first kiss?
Trevor: well I have never kissed anyone on the lips but--- he was cut off by Madeline kissing him. He pulled away from the kiss but Madeline started twirling his hair so he put his arms around her and pulled her in closer.
They pulled away
Trevor: well that one one heck of a first kiss
Madeline: 😂😂
Cyd: soooo Kian
Kian: what do you want to drink babe
oh wait can I call you babe? do you like me? I am so confused. Are we like boyfriend and girlfriend now or..
he was cut off by Cyd kissing him
Issa: Oh My God AGIAN?!
Sam: oh my gosh Ikr
JC: this is hurting my feels
Issa: same
Cyd pulled away after they were kissing for a few seconds
Cyd: oh and did I mention I was single
Kian: not anymore
Cyd: 😂😂🙈
Kian: *laughs*
Issa: sooo what do you want to drink
Kennedy: I'll have a double chocolate frappichino
Issa: make that two
he said to the cashier lady
Kennedy: Hey Issa, do you wanna come to the fair tomorrow with me ,Madeline, Cyd, Lili and Ricky?
Issa: sure! What time?
Kennedy: around 4:30
Issa: okay!
Kennedy: if you want I can pick you up
Issa: that would be great!
Kennedy: and by the way what is your number?
Issa:(tells her his number)
Kennedy: okay and mine is (tells him her number)
Issa: okay I'll text you

Dan: do you guys have to leave?
Lili: yeah I'm sorry
she says kissing him
Dan: okay bye I love you! We need to hang sometime soon
Lili: of course! DAN! I need your number
(They exchange numbers)
Kian: I guess this is goodbye for now
Cyd: I'll see you tomorrow right?
Kian: oh yeah the fair tomorrow! I forgot!
Cyd: yes!
Kian: okay babe see you tomorrow!
Cyd: bye!

Madeline: Trevor... What's your number?
(they exchange numbers)
Trevor: I'll see you tomorrow Boo
Madeline: okay *hugs him*
All: aweeee young love
Mads:why do we have to be the youngest  here?😂
Trevor: idk Madds😂
Mads: okay see you tomorrow *kisses him*
Trevor: I love you
Mads:i love you more trev

They all leave Starbucks.

when you fall in love...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें