Chapter 5

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Everything is new to me. Not only this wedding but all of the things that are happening now.

First is my parents, they started to act as if they are loving and caring parents. And also my heart, it keeps on beating crazily.

"Are you okay?" Maru asks sweetly.

I forced myself to smile just to assure him that I'm okay.

He squeezed my hand.

I furrowed and look at him.

"Just relax. I'm here so no need to be nervous." He said to assure me.

I heave a heavy sigh. I look at him again, this time with a genuine smile on my face.

I mouthed 'thank you' to him.

"We have come together at the invitation of Mara Denise Almonte and Andrew Maru Ottave to celebrate the uniting in Christian love, their hearts, and lives. This is possible because of the love God has created in them, through Jesus Christ." The pastor started the wedding ceremony.

"Jesus said, 'I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.' This abundant life, for many people, is an impossible dream, yet God wants us all to have this abundant life and proved His love for us by giving His Son, that we might have this life."

"Another way that God provides for this 'full' life is creating those who will love us. Maru has found such a one in Mara hearts and spirits were drawn together before today by the Lord of all creation. Two lives are not united by ceremony, but only in the power, love, and grace of God."

"Maru and Mara are here to publicly declare that because of Jesus Christ's love, they too can truly love one another. As God demonstrated His love in Jesus, our Lord, Mara and Maru will demonstrate this God given love by giving themselves to one another and one for the other."

Can we truly love one another?

I shove that idea in my head. I am just feeling sorry because the thing that the Pastor has said is the opposite of what we have.

Maru gently squeezes my hand. I look at him.

"Are you okay?"

I just nodded and smile at him.

My eyes widen when he placed my hand on his lips and kiss it.

I furrowed while he just gave me a wink.

I shrugged. I just let him do what he wants.

"Maru and Mara, no other human ties are more tender, no other vows are more sacred than these you are about to assume. You are entering into that holy estate which is the deepest mystery of experience, and which is the very sacrament of divine love."

The pastor looks at Maru.

"Maru, will you have Mara, to be your wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony; will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only for her so long as you both shall live?"

He looked at me, and he answered "I will."

After Maru, the pastor turns his head to look at me.

"Mara, will you have Maru to be your wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony; will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only for him so long as you both shall live?"

I look at Maru and then to the Pastor and answer "I will."

I didn't expect that I will feel happy at this wedding.

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