My Desert Adventure

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I am racing, trying to hide, the wind blowing through my short curly hair. I think I have lost them, nowhere in sight. Thinking it is safe I dismount my horse just as a snake slithers by. Startled by the snake, my horse races away leaving me with no transport.

I am now alone, standing here wondering which way to go. The sun has just reached the noon point, at its hottest. I decide to go left, try to find someone or water.

I have been walking for what feels like hours and haven’t found a thing. Just as I am about to give up and stop looking I spot a gleam, like the one off water. I feel like jumping for joy, only I haven’t enough energy. I attempt to run, looks more like stumbling.

As I reach the water, it disappears. It was all in my head. I am crazy, I think? I hope that I am not. Trying to forget about the disappointment I walk away, a different way this time.

The heat is getting to my head, sweating more and more. More hallucinations go past, a clown, a duck with fangs, an ice-cream stand. Each one making me hot and sweaty, scared for my health. I tie my shirt over my head cooling it the slightest bit.

It’s starting to get dark. Things will come out soon, searching for food. I start to look for somewhere to stay the night. Turning round and round, making me feel dizzy. I stumble and land into a hole, looking up I see a sand cave. Quickly, I run using all my energy, to see if it’s real.

I reach the cave and collapse, as I realise it is real I begin to cry. There is a chance I will survive. I hurry into the cave, not thinking i sit without looking. Suddenly the cave shakes, rocks and sand falls and I am trapped with no way out.

The door is blocked, the ceiling of the cave is high and it is dark. I decide to go to sleep, too tired to do anything tonight I will have to wait until morning.

When I open my eyes, it is still dark but I am certain it is morning. I start feeling around in the dark, looking for sticks and stones to use for a fire. Finding none, I attempt to go back to sleep and retain my energy because I will need it to get out.

I am woken by sound from outside the cave, then sand starts moving, rocks tumble and there is a familiar voice. Light starts to appear in little gaps. The voice continues as the rocks move more. Then the cave is flooded with light, I squint and try to see but give up and blink quickly.

“Geez, Ryan. Stop playing around and tidy this room! It looks like forty pigs live here!” Mum says as she moves the pillows away from my desk. “Did you sleep under there? Ryan, you need to sleep in your bed tonight. Now clean!”

“ Yes Mum, I will.” I answer as she leaves and I pick up my horse from the other side of the room “Why did you run? The snake wasn’t that big.”


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