Chapter 2~ GameTime

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Chapter 2~

The Game

For the rest of the day me, carrie & mike just hang out around the house. We eat dinner, hang out and watch T.V. some more then go to bed.

*The Next Morning*

I walk down the stairs. Mike is gone and carrie is laying on the couch.

Carrie: Heyyyy girlll.

I laugh.

Serena: Good morning to you too.

We eat breakfast then hop in the car. We go shopping at the mall for a little bit then go back home.

Once we get home it's about 3:00. The game starts at 7:00 so we have alot of time still. We have a small snack then wait until the game.

*3 hrs later*

We get into the car then start to get to the game.

I don't think I've ever been this excited before for anything. Maybe to going to one of carrie's concerts, but that's about it.

I turn on the radio to the country station. I Want Crazy was on so me and carrie jammed out to that.

We listen to the country channel all the way there then we get into our parking spot. There's a reserved spot for us, carrie must of went all out for this.

We walk in the stadium and walk to our seats. We didn't get noticed by anyone surprisingly so carrie didn't stop for autographs or pictures or anything.

Carrie gets out a card for the sweet and the door opens. We walk in and get to our seats. The view was amazing, I couldn't ask for better.

Serena: Carrie, this is amazing. Thank you so much.

Carrie: Aww Serena your so welcome! I'm so glad over to go with someone this time! Most of the time I'm by myself.

I smile then pay attention to the game. The game just started so its 0-0. Carrie is totally in the game. She screams and yells "Go Mike! Go Predators!" Even though I'm the only one who can hear her yelling because where in a sweet she still yelling and cheering. She makes me laugh like a million times.

First the Canadians score. Then predators scored two times in a row!

So we are up 2-1! It's in the 2nd period. Our server walks up behind us with two ice cream sundaes.

Server: Here are the ice cream sundaes you ordered.

When carrie turned around to the get the server looked so shocked.

Server: Oh my god! Your carrie underwood!!!

Carrie: Well... I guess so...

Server: I love your music so much! Sorry for that outburst... Here are your ice cream sundaes now.

Carrie: No! No your fine! Thank you!:)

Carrie pays the server. That's what I love about carrie. She respects all her fans even when they have little outbursts like that. She know without them, she wouldn't be doing what she loves right now. And I probably wouldn't have ever meet her.

We eat our ice cream sundaes which were amazing. It turns to the 3rd period the score is still 2-1.

Soon the Canadians score which devastated carrie. It's now tied 2-2.

Now there's only 30 seconds left of the game. Mike gets the puck and gets on a breakaway. He's about to score but then he gets fouled.

He gets a penalty shot. This shot is what matters on the whole game...

Author's Notes:sorry that this chapter is all sporty and if u don't like hokey sorry too:( I promise it will be the only chapter like this I just wanted to include a surprise and this was the first thing that popped into my head. There will be more adventures soon! Thanks for reading and voting:)


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