The Umbrella

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Janine's childhood


Perhaps there is an umbrella. An umbrella that has a few tattered edges, a few tears; even a few holes. Beneath the umbrella is an old man. His overcoat and hat - gray, pulled snug against the rain and chill - are as tattered and worn as the umbrella. He slouches into himself; leans into the battering wind and sighs, a sigh that carries within it all the sorrow and loneliness in the world.

Suddenly, a flash of red. Vibrant, alive, in such a dead, gray world. The hint of a child's jubilant laughter floats triumphantly on the breeze.

he starts, roused from his thoughts, and turns to look. But whatever it was is gone. Then - Whoomph! - his umbrella, now neglected, catches a stray gust of wind and flips inside out. He gasps as the shock of the icy water splashes his face, then grunts in annoyance as he wrestles with the stubborn contraption.

As he wrestles with it, oblivious to the way he is becoming soaked through, he sees it again - that sudden flash of brilliant red - as if the sun had suddenly appeared.

He gives his umbrella one last indignant shake, then turns to follow the glimpse of - well, of what he isn't sure. He only knows that he must follow it. Must catch the ray of sunshine that might finally pierce the clouds that cover his soul.

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