A New Friend?

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The kids in the park ran away screaming monster, at me. I was just asking to play with them. I should of know this would happen, it happens every time.

I was walking down the road, people were giving me hateful and fearful looks, I hurt me but I didn't show it. Once I was out of range of their glares, hateful scared glared, I fell to my knees tears spilling down my cheeks.

'Why am I so different? Why do they hate me? Did I do something wrong?'

I sniffed and rubbed my nose. I soon was filled with rage after asking myself those questions again.

'What did I do? I didn't do anything! WHY DO THEY HATE ME!!'

I was shaking in anger, my fist curling in the sand. In my fit of rage, I didn't know a small figure was coming towards me until I heard a soft meow.


I turned to see a ragged cat. No kitten. It was the color of sand and two black stripes on it's legs and tail, you wouldn't really know it was there if the eyes didn't stick out. They were a bright dazzling blue.

"What do you want?" I asked it angrily while rubbing my eyes. It just meowed at me looking at me with...Concern? What?

"What?" Getting more angry because I'm talking to a cat and expecting it to leave or to talk back. It came closer and hopped in my lap, rubbing its head on my chin.

"Get off me." I pushed it lightly, but it hoped back in my lap.

"I said get off!" Smacking it off my lap with full force. I heard a whimper, I looked at the kitten to see it on its side bleeding.

I gasped. I didn't mean to hurt it! I rushed over to it to make sure it was okay. It whimpered again and I was soon consumed in guilt.

"I'm so sorry." I looked at where it was bleeding to see a long cut.
"I couldn't of hurt you that bad." I was confused, I then realized that it was a knife cut. It looked a little healed around it. I must of reopened.

"I'm so so sorry! Don't worry my uncle will fix you." The kitten was only trying to comfort me, the only person who comforts me is my uncle,and I all I did was hurt it.

I picked the kitten up and ran to my Uncle's house. I was running kinda slow so I didn't hurt it even worse. Once I got there, I busted open his door shouted for him.

"Uncle! Uncle I need your help!"

I saw him running in the room,  "What is it Gaara? Is something wrong?"

I held the kitten in front of me, "please help it uncle!" He stared at the whimpering kitten in my arms before nodding. He gentlely took it from my arms and laid it on the table in the dinning room.

"What happened to it gaara?" He asked getting the supplies he needs.

"It followed me a little bit from the village. I got angry at because the looks I was getting from the villagers and I kinda shoved it off my lap." I said looking down then looked right back up at him and said "I didn't mean to hurt it! It was an accident I swear!"

He looked over at me nodding saying it's okay. While he was fixing it. I was thinking.

"Uncle can we keep it?"

"Her. Can we keep her." "Oh" I looked down for a second and then looked at him and asked "So, can we?" I looked at him with hope in my eyes as he looked at me. He nodded with a grin. I was so happy, I hugged uncle by the legs saying thank you.

"What are you going to name her?" He asked as both of us looked down at the now patched up kitten. I thought for a moment trying to come up with names, but I couldn't. Then I got it.

"Misa!" I looked up at him with a big smile on my face.

"Beautiful sand, hm. That's very good name, but why misa?" He looked confused.

"Because she looks like sand and she is very pretty!" I said looking down at the sleeping kitten, now on top of a pillow on the couch.

"I think Misa fits her well!" He put one of his hands on my head looking down at her to.



Thank you for reading and hoped you enjoyed~

Also this story is under editing so please don't mind the parts of the story that don't match previous chapters!!

Don't forget to..


BYE KITTENS~!!! =^-^=

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