chapter 8

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"(Y/N) go upstairs!" Blake shouted
"No! not until you tell me what's going on!" I screamed
The red light got brighter
Blake grabbed me
"Go upstairs are you crazy?! I'll explain later!" He said pointing towards the stairs
I ran upstairs and into the bedroom as I hid myself under the covers

Blake's POV-
(Y/N) went upstairs finally just before the window smashed and a dark figure came in and pointed at me
"Its your time Blake" he said
"No! This wasn't the deal!" I shouted
He laughed
"Blake don't you ever read small print?"
I growled as he moved towards me
I sat on the arm of the sofa and he stopped about 10cm away from me
"Cmon Blake. It's. Your. Time" he kept chanting
I shouted
"No its not!" I kicked him and he fell onto the floor
"You're an idiot Blake!" He screamed
I laughed a little
"At least I'm not about to die" I smirked
"That can be arranged..." he grabbed me
I laughed
"Oh I'm shaking in my boots" I said
He looked at me smirking
"You're a brave one aren't you..." he said gripping me tighter
I didn't say anything
He shoved me against the wall
"But I'm a daredevil" he said pulling up his hand towards my chest
I start to find it hard to breath
"Its. Time. Blake" he said putting his hand on my chest as he starts to slowly take my soul.
I'm close to being dead.
He suddenly screams and falls to the ground
As he falls to the ground, I see (Y/N) standing behind him
"Are you crazy?! I told you to stay upstairs!" I shout
(Y/N) looks at me
"I thought you were gonna die!" She said looking at me

(Y/N) POV-
"I thought you were gonna die!" I shouted
Blake looked like he was about to say something but then he stopped
"Thanks anyway" he said looking at the dark lifeless figure lying on the floor
"Who was that anyway Blake" I ask looking curious
"Oh um, no one..." he says picking up the body
"I can't believe I just stabbed a guy!" I say now looking guilty
Blake smiles
"You saved my... life"
I blush
"So what we're you going to tell me before all of this happened?" I ask sitting down
Blake throws the body onto the patio
He sits next to me
"Ah yes... (Y/N)... the thing I was going to tell you was.." Blake gets cut off from his confession as my phone rings
"Sorry Blake hold on" I say answering the phone
"Hey mom,
Woah woah slow down... what's happened..." I quickly get up
"No! What?! How?! When?!" I say with terror in my eyes
The phone gets cut off
Blake stands up
"(Y/N) what's happened?!" Blake asks looking scared
I start to cry
My parents have been kidnapped!

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