Super Secret

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"Sir, could you please help me with this box?" I ask the man in front of me. He was wearing really dark cloths and didn't look like a cheery person.

The man looks at weirdly. "Didn't anyone ever teach you not to talk to strangers kid?" The man asks.

I pretend to struggle with the box in my arm. I wobble my knees and whimper dramatically. "Please?!" I cry.

The man rolls his eyes and sighs. He takes the box from my hand and gets a look of surprise. "This thing is empty!" He says in disbelief.

"I know right?" I say.

I pull out my gun in my right boot and I point it at him. His eyes widen and then he smirks.

"Well played princess." He says through his teeth. "But unfortunately I can't stay for the tea party."

The man takes out a grappling hook and points to the top of a building outside of the park. Quickly I try to jump on him so he doesn't get away but its too late. He shoots the grapple gun and it shoot to the top of the building pulling the man with it.


I take out my walkie talkie. "I lost him! He's headed towards the empire state building. I repeat he's getting away!" I tell into the talkie. "Over." I start running the direction that the man went.

I can't lose this guy; he's a smuggler. He brings illegal drugs from outer provinces and brings them into the United States. Target C56895O; Jack Crocken. Russian, and former gift shop owner. Recent illegal drug smuggler and seller.

I hear a 'roger that' from my partner Em. She's my best friend, or the closest thing to a friend I have to one. We both work for the FBIT. A secret organization for special teenagers that are highly trained.

Or in my words: Teens that can kick butt.

Since Em is my partner and we're both 14 (going on 15), we have the cute factor and make sure to use it on our missions. For example: On this mission I played a girl who was struggling with some 'heavy' boxes. To play the part i'm wearing khakis and a 'My little Pony' T-shirt.

I run into a crowed highway of New York full of taxi cabs, random cars, and pedestrians filling up the sidewalks.

I decide my best bet would be through the traffic. I start running through, dodging the cars. I'll never make it, this isn't fast enough. I suddenly spot a middle-aged man riding a bike. Perfect.

I run over to the man and step in front of him so he stops his bike. He does stop but almost falls on the ground in the process.

"FBI, I need your um... vehicle." I state to the man trying to sound professional.

"Is this a joke?" He asks in his New York accent. I roll my eyes and I kick him off the bike. The man falls to the ground and groans.

"I'll have someone bring this back." I tell him getting on and starting to ride through the New York traffic. I swerve through the the taxis in the highest speed I could manage. I look up at the buildings long the way to the Empire State building.

Finally I see Jack, he's running along the rooftops of the building and jumping from one to another.

"Em I found him!" I yell into the talkie with one hand while riding with the other. "He's jumping buildings and is almost at the Empire State."

"I see him too!" I hear from the talkie. "I'm jumping buildings and i'm gaining on him! You have to get up there and block him!"

"Roger that." I mumble into the talkie. I speed up ahead of Jack by four buildings and then I jump off the bike and into the building.

Its a random office building. I find the door that leads to the staircase, I then open it which sets out an alarm.

Oops, emergency staircase. Trying to ignore the shrill sound of the alarm, I run up the stairs three at a time until I reach the rooftop. As I walk on Jack is just jumping on the building.

"Not so fast Jack Crocken!" I yell at him. Jack stops in his tracks. I take out my gun and I point it directly at him.

"Okay kid. I don't know who you are but you need to put that gun down before you hurt yourself." Jack says putting his hands up.

"Oh i'm not the one who's gonna be in pain." I say with a smirk.

"What do you-?" Jack is cut off by Em fly-kicking him in the back causing him to fall to the ground.

"Your under arrest by the FBI for smuggling drugs illegally into the US." Em says smugly while putting cuffs on Jack.

At first he doesn't seem to believe us; until I show him my badge.

"Stupid kids." Jack mumbles from the ground.


We were running.

I was late for dinner; again.

You see here's the deal. My family doesn't know i'm a secret agent for the FBI. Why you may ask? Well i'll save that for later. But i'm always late for stuff and I always disappear mysteriously (got grounded so much for that). So I guess you could say i'm a master at lying since I have to do it like every single day!

"Crap, your in big trouble this time Jay." Em says while we were running down the street.

"I know." I sigh as I track my feet on the ground. I swear my knees have turned into jelly. "Why can't the agency provide us cool transportation like a hover board or a jet pack?"

"Because were not the adult FBI." She answers bitterly. "We only get guns... but they don't even kill people. Paralyzing them for 24 hours isn't cool enough."

"Ugh. Its not fair!" I groan. My feet were starting to get numb but thankfully I could spot my house only about 50 yards away.

"Okay so whats the story this time?" Em asks.

"You and I were at Coney Island and the last ride we went to, the line was really and we lost track of time." I say quickly.

"That's a good one." Em mumbles. "Now all we have to do is see if they belive you."

I roll my eyes. "You know my parents. They never believe me." I explain. "But they know they have to. They have no other choice." 

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