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When Jackson was a young boy he always dreamed of being a hero. He thought of all the adventures he would have. He didn't know that one day these dreams would come true, but with a cost.

He was now 17 years old and he was getting ready for work. He worked at a local cafe, nothing special. Just a small place where people came to chat, enjoy a sandwich and a drink coffee.

Today was  like any other day, people came in sat down stayed for a while then left. Jackson served people with a smile and told them " have a nice day " even if he was really dying inside.

Everyone seemed normal until someone came in talking about the end of the world...

" The end is near, nobody is going to survive. God is going to cleanse the earth once more."

"What's this wingnut prattling on about?"
"No clue Nick" Jackson didn't really care what the crazy guy was saying. He was too focused on this beautiful girl that just walked in. She was 5'4" and had flowing blonde hair with this stunning pale skin that almost shimmers. He was determined to talk to her.

Of course this was never going to happen as he could barely speak to someone, let alone someone he thought was cute, without fumbling over his words and sweating profusely. Life decided not to take the choice away from him, she walked right up to his register.

"Hello... Hey... Excuse me, are you alright?" 

"Umm... Uhhh y-yeah, I'm alright, I'm great. How are you?"
"I'm good. Can I get a medium hot chocolate please?"
"Sure, will that be takeout or to go?"
"Wait-- no I mean uh, to go or for here?"

"Uh, for here please"
"Yeah uh, Coming right up"

Nick sneers "Smooth Jackson"
With a sigh "Shut up Nick"

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