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Chapter One~A Nude Man-Whore~

He, nude, in the moonlit dorm room, locked eyes with lust in its own form. She trudged towards his muscular silhouette when he lifted a hand up stopping her in her tracks. "Please tell me, Are you sure you want to do this?" She smashed her lips into his abruptly.


He held the door open for her as she grabbed her other shoe, his jeans sagging off his hips exposing the "V" just above his manhood. "Thank You, ma'am," He smiles waving her off before turning to close his door when he caught a glint of light following a girl with a sequin hair tie speaking to someone, her back facing him. She suddenly turned with a brow raised, acknowledging his gaze, when a grin broke across her face.

He couldn't help but smile before she turned back. He nibbled his lip slipping back in his room. Snapping back into reality he realized his cell phone was vibrating.

"Hello," his deep sultry voice rung through the cellular device. The clearing of a throat sounded on the other side of the line, "Your weekly checkup, you're late." She growled. He nodded as if she could see him.

"Yeah, I know, I had to squeeze someone in." He sighed as he picked up a used condom to dispose of it. "It's Friday aren't you off duty today?"

"Yeah, but I've been pushing back her appointment lately I felt bad," She sighed softly "Well get here soon Storm or you'll miss your appointment."

He ended the call before turning on the shower and grabbing a towel. Suddenly thought of that girl came rushing to his mind, he thinking of her beautiful freckled cheeks, felt his body warm up.


"Just, as usual, you're A-okay!" His doctor exclaimed stepping out of the room. Storm bounced out of the clinic bed grabbing his clothes. He began to slip on his boxers when the door swung open. "I forgot to mention-"
Storm usual stoic expression fell into shock as the girl from earlier stopped in her tracks seeing his nudity she shrieked.

He covered himself looking away, the sound of her heels clicking as she ran off told him he'd probably never see her again. He pulled his boxers on mumbling all types of four-letter words. "What doc?" His doctor looked down twiddling his thumbs blushing, "Didn't think you were naked, sorry Storm."

"It's fine, nothing no one hasn't already seen." He grinned adorably as he pulled his pants on. "Hey doc, call my fiancé in." He breathed as he zipped his pants up.

"Hey beautiful," he grinned as she stepped in. She draped her arms around his broad shoulders. Her lips grazed his softly. His shoulders drooped, he felt nothing in their connection to one another. She caressed his nude chest. "When do I get the chance to fuck you?" She whined.

He nibbled his lip looking away, "On our wedding night." he whispered pinching her ass. She groaned, "Can't it be sooner?" She slid her hands down to his pants when he stepped back.

"I gotta, get back on campus Laudi..." He grabbed his shirt and the report from his doctor. "I'll see you tomorrow." He dashed away from the room heading out of the clinic to his car.


He stifled a sigh as he thrust deeper into her womanhood as she squeezed his silk sheets "Oh Daddy!" He squeezed her hips as he made eye contact with her. His lips collided with hers.

He thanked her, closing his bedroom door. He turned on his shower and grabbed his sheets putting them in a pile along with a slobbered on pillowcase and underwear completing his load of clothes. He slid his boxers back off before grabbing the deodorant. He sighed peering at his swollen member, "How ya doin' big buddy? I know it hurts but we only got two more hours." He hopped in the cold shower. The water hid his tears as it grazed past his body and he cleansed himself.


She rolled off the bed groaning as her funny bone collided with her skateboard. She stood screaming as she ran around flailing her arm. She tripped over a pillow causing her to scrape her knee on the carpeted floor. "Owwie!" She exclaimed rolling around the dorm room. She laid still hearing the constant pounding against her wall and moaning. That guy is for sure a man-whore. "Every day!" she groaned grabbing her socks slipping them on her feet along with low top Vans. She grabbed her skateboard and headed out of her dorm.

As she exited she crossed paths with him again. He looked so familiar. She looked at his hips seeing his 'The Riddler' boxers and she realized where she had seen him before. The guy...From the doctor's office. His sights caught hers and with shock, he hurled his door closed.

She raced past his dorm room towards the parking lot. She took the wind by a harness and rode down the parking lot towards the exits. Thoughts of his large member clouded her thoughts reddening her face adding slight coloring to her freckles.

 Thoughts of his large member clouded her thoughts reddening her face adding slight coloring to her freckles

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