Romantic Warriors - A Backstage Story

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Yes, it was finally going to happen. I was going to meet Modern Talking; something I had always dreamed of, but never thought it would come true. Let me tell you the whole story!

I knew someone at a concert hall, and she said she'd try to get me backstage passes to the concert, if they ever got to my city. I waited and waited, and prayed that they would come. Then one day, it was a Thursday in the beginning of September, the phone rang, and it was my friend.

 "Guess what? Modern Talking are coming to town", she said and my heart skipped a beat. "Do you still want me to get you those backstage passes?"

 "Yes", I squeaked, I could do nothing else.

 "If you want to, I could probably make sure you got to meet them personally as well."

 I nodded heavily, then realised what I was doing. "Yes! Please!"

 "Right, I'll see what I can do, and then get back to you, all right?"

 I agreed, and hung up. Wow. I was going to meet my absolute favourite artists - Dieter and Thomas of Modern Talking! My dream was coming true. Two days later my friend called again, and said she had arranged for me to meet and talk to them! The concert was going to be in November and I couldn't wait. The days went by so slowly, but somehow September turned into October, and the leaves started to fall from the trees. Just a month left. I started to make plans - what to wear on the occasion, what to ask them, whether or not my camera worked properly and if I had batteries and film for it. Before I knew it, it was only one week left. I started to get seriously nervous, and I could hardly eat nor sleep. My mother tried to get me to eat dinner occasionally, but all I could think of was the beautiful faces of Dieter and Thomas.

Some girls tend to fall in love with every boyband there is, but I had never done that. Not when New Kids On The Block were around, or after that. I mean, I even hate the Backstreet Boys, and I think their fans are childish and stupid, but I guess I'm just as bad as they are. I'm a fan. The good thing is that my idols can sing, apart from many of the boybands, and they are definitely more mature - the medium age being 40,5 years instead of 19,5 like all the nasty teenage bands out there. So what's so special about Modern Talking? Aren't they a bit too, like, old? OK, one's 36 and the other one's 45, but what's the big deal? Dieter makes the hits and Thomas has the soft and tender voice of a god. I hate childish boys with teenager voices, I'd like someone more mature, more man than boy. I might be too young for my idols, but still, one's allowed to dream, right? I am, unlike many others, fully aware that neither of them will ever be mine, but oh I wish that it could be possible! My name would would look very nice if it ended with Anders or Bohlen, I can tell you. Let me get back to my story now.

It was the day before the concert and I was so hyped up that I could hardly speak a coherent word. My parents told me to calm down and recommended me to take a long hot bath, and so I did. Lying there in the water, I couldn't help humming the songs on the fifth album. In the end of it, I sang quite loudly and splashed water all over the bathroom, but what the heck; it's only water! It will dry sooner or later! I managed to calm down, and began to feel drowsy. My head fell back and I managed to get some well-needed sleep. I was woken up half an hour later, by my father who knocked on the bathroom door wondering if I was all right in there.

 "Yeah!" I replied. "Why?"

 "You were quiet for such a long time that we began to wonder if something had happened."

 "I'm OK, dad. Really."

 That nap made me feel a bit more down-to-earth again, and since the water had turned cold, I decided to get up from the bath and go on the Internet for a while. I put "Romantic Warriors" in the CD drive on the computer and logged on the net. I went to a Modern Talking chat, since I couldn't go to my usual chat in the state I was in. If I only talked about Modern Talking there, I would probably be banned, and I didn't want that. Talking to the fellow MTSI members made me feel, well... it didn't make me calm down, but... oh I cannot explain... "every time it's the same, oh I fell that it's real, take my heart..." Sorry, got carried away there. Everyone I talked to envied me, which made me feel so proud and special. I was going to meet our idols. Not anyone else - just me. I have never been that happy to be alive as I was at that moment! Well, had been up till then.

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