Chapter 2

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A/N: I forgot to mention that I've set this in Scotland, probably because I live in Scotland so it's familiar to me, but for those of you who aren't familiar with Scottish schools and stuff, 5th year is the equivalent year 11 in England and 10th grade in America. Just thought I'd mention that. Also, I don't know if I need to say this but I just thought I'd put here that I quite obviously don't own the Harry Potter books, which are mentioned in this chapter.


Shutting the door behind him, Blue leaned back against it with a heavy sigh. The first day back at school was the worst. He felt like he'd survived a massacre rather than a couple of tortuously pointless lessons and the critical, persistent nagging that teachers labeled as "lectures" about studying, exams, paying attention, etc, that came with almost every class he had, free of charge.

A massacre would would at least have been more interesting.

He trudged through the kitchen, dumping his schoolbag on a rather wobbly chair, and scattering a heap of mail onto the floor in the process. Sighing, he picked the letters up. Typical. Mum never opens her mail in the morning, she always leaves them on that chair, he though, absent-mindedly leafing through them. Bank statements, something about morgage, something about tax, blah, blah blah. Oh, and a dentist appointment for Yve. Nothing of interest.

"Mum!" Blue yelled up the stairs, shoving the unopened letters on the kitchen table. "Mum, you haven't opened your mail."

A short, slight woman bustled down the stairs, a huge smile lighting up her face, her fine, light brown hair coming loose from the hair pins that were doing a rather poor job of securing it in place.

"Blue! You're home," she beamed, completely ignoring his remark about the unopened mail. "How was your first day of fifth year? I didn't hear you come in."

Blue shrugged awkwardly. "Uh, it was okay, I guess." His mum was staring at him expectantly, as if waiting for an advance on this.

"I... made a new friend," he continued lamely, just to please her. He thought about Silo. If he could even call her a friend. She was kind of... well, strange.

"That's great!" Blue's mum smiled enthusiasticly. "Who's that?"

"Just... never mind," he said quickly. He couldn't really explain Silo, and he didn't particularly want to. He didn't even know her well at all, but somthing about Silo... well, freaked him out. Besides, much as he loved his mother he was already buckling under her enthusiasm."I saw Katie again too," he added, changing the subject a little.

"Oh, yes, " she nodded. "Though I don't see why you didn't meet up during the summer holidays, she does live next door, after all..." she frowned.

"She was in Thailand, remember?" Blue reminded her gently. "Only got back last night. She phone me, though."

"Oh, of course, " His mum laughed. "Must be getting forgetful..."

Smiling, Blue rolled his eyes and leaned down the hug her (which was a little awkward, seeing as he was pretty tall and she was tiny), before letting go and reaching over grab the mail from the table and hand it to her. "Mail. You always forget to open it," he reminded her. She  laughed quietly and shook her head.

"I did say I was getting forgetful, didn't I?" she said, as if scolding herself. "Thanks, honey." she added, standing on her tip toes to plant a kiss on his cheek, which Blue swatted away and greeted with a mocking glare.

"Mum! I'm sixteen, not six, remember?" he moaned, his mother simply giggling like a little girl, flicking briefly through all the letters Blue had handed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2013 ⏰

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