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The Hominum Tier literally left "headless" when our Tier Head abruptly leaves our Tier to kill The Hominum Tiers leader, only for our Bearer of 18 to return with his permanently unresponsive body and two captives. His body was greatly wounded along with our bearer and captives. It is apparent that he will not return due to the use of "The elixir of the Truculentus". It was reported that he had already known he was going to drink it before he had left, revealing it shortly during a small conference.The Hominum Tier Head was eventually killed by Eighteen shortly after visiting The South Hold. As of now, we will be lead by our Bearer of 18 and will wait for the Hominum's next move. Our now departed Tier Head will be rested in the mausoleum underneath the mansion. "
~Ellis Ackerman (journalist)


Still like a stone. Elenora lie on her side. A lap was cushioning her throbbing head, but it was not revealed who's lap her head rested on, where she was, or what had happened until she opened her eyes. On a Mortem train, making use of Ann's lap after she blacked out from overwhelming distress. The pain in her shoulder was hot and it throbbed. Madam Elenora sat up slowly and soon familiarized herself with the setting. Her arm sat in a newly made sling.
"Wh... What's going on?"
"You fainted." Ann's voice broke through the climate softly but clearly.
"Where's 18?" Madam asked, worry painted on her face. "Where is he?"
"The guards took him back." Ann answered. "They offered for us to go with them, but time was not friendly and it was a long ways away, so they took him by teleportation. We decided to meet them at the... Center Hold, I believe."
Madam Elenora sat in silence shortly before replying.
"Was he... okay?"
Ann did not move." He was the same. She knew her words would discourage her. True to her assumption, Elenora's head fell to the cold window and the woman was silent. They were on their way back from Portas. The rain had stopped and the moons fell into the seventh phase. The poor woman was again exhausted. She didn't want to think, to move. Elenora's mind fell lazy with sadness that clung like a beggar at the feet of the rich. Madam did not want to even begin the tedious and vexing thought process that plunked its burdensome baggage down at her doorstep. The thoughts of what will happen next. He was gone. Equivalent to dead, but The Tier Head marked her. Elenora was The Mortem Blood Bearer of 18, and the thought of leading on without a Tier Head kept wading its way back into the smallest holes of her thoughts. There was nothing she could do to plug those holes. Ann's calm voice again cut the silence.
"How did you get to The Mortem Tier? How did the guards end up..."her voice trailed. Elenora knew what she was going to say anyway.
"I was drowned." Elenora said bluntly. "The shopkeeper saw our... exchange and he turned me in."
"How... Did you end up becoming the Bearer?"
Elenora's gaze did not leave the ocean of black outside.
"He fell in love with me Ann. There was a raid and I got caught, and instead of killing me, he helped me. He gave me a place to stay... Clothes to wear."
"He knew." Ann smiled.
"Wh... what do you mean? He knew what?" She asked. This was enough to take her eyes off from the window.
"I read, that a Mortem can read the souls of every being that lives. That owns one. They can see every aspect of who you are if they are powerful enough, and by far, I take it that The Tier Head was."
"He read me like a book..." Elenora whispered. "That's what he told me. That my soul was like an open book."
"They say it's like a street light in miles of darkness. The soul that is perfectly compatible with their own, it glows brightly in the sea of the other souls around them."
A soft smile swept Elenora's face, the librarian noticed.
"When he saw you, Elenora, dear, he knew he would be with you forever."
Elenora smiled and a small laugh escaped her lips, her hands flew to her face.
"There's that smile... A gem."
Madam laughed again, the lightheartedness took pounds off of her shoulders.
"Oh, Ann... I didn't know him for long, but I felt like I did... He felt so familiar and safe. After all of this, I feel like I knew him for so long. Like our souls knew each other before all of this. He took care of me for that short period of time... Ann, I know he cared... "
"And don't you forget that." Ann told her. "Don't forget what he did. It will be a while before you can laugh and smile again, Elenora, believe me, I know, but you will find peace. Just work for that peace. You will find it, dear. You will find it."
"But I don't want to forget him." Elenora replied.
"You won't. You'll use this to lead the Tier in pride and strength. Believe me Elenora, you are a very strong woman, yet you underestimate yourself, so. Yes, you cry, but dear, that is normal. Heartache will only make you stronger if you will it to. What is amazing, is that you finish your moment, wipe the tears from your face, and you rise back and carry yourself once more. You always have. Ever since we were young girls..." Ann's words enriched her soul. The weight washing off like water. "You will not forget him, Elenora. You will carry on with only memories, but they will strengthen you. They will strengthen you better yet."
Elenora smiled and hugged her friend. The girl who grew up with her like a sister. Who would stay up with her and only the light of a candle, and share books and stories while the rain came in sheets.
"Thank you so much, Ann." she said. "You are truly wonderful."

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