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C H A P T E R  T H R E E


I looked forward to the day where I wouldn't have to be stuck in a claustrophobic corridor, where little grade eights were constantly bumping and stepping on my toes.

Manda and I squeezed through the congested corridors of our school until we made it into the equally-congested locker area. Morning periods were finally over and it was break time.

We were only a door apart and as I hunted for my History text book in my disarrayed locker, Manda leaned against her locker and sighed like a lovesick puppy.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Darren,” Manda replied.

“Yeah, and?”

“He finally asked me to hang out with me!” she squealed.

I finally found my textbook and turned to look at her with a grin on my face, “I'm so happy for you.”

I meant it. Manda has had a crush on Darren since grade eight and after two years of having an incurable bout of gwababa, she finally had the guts to get his number and text him.

They'd been vibing with each other for a couple of months now and while I had thought that her crush would dwindle, it had had only gotten stronger.

Manda made another sound, something like a giggle and a squeal and a few other students turned to frown at her.

“When did he ask? Last night?”

“No, in Physics! We had a Chemistry practical today and he partnered up with me and while we were busy filling out the questions he asked me!”

“It took him long enough,” I said.

“I know, but now what's important is that he finally did it.”

We finished up at our lockers and walked to our spot – a particular corner at the end of the field, near the old grandstands.

We ate our lunch while we made small talk and watched some of the boys chase a ball around the field.

“There's something else you need to know,” Manda said as she wiped a dab of mayonnaise off of her mouth.

“Wha?” I asked through the food I was chewing.

“It's rude to talk with your mouth open,” she chastised.

I rolled my eyes at her because if there was anyone who had mastered the art of talking through a mouth-full of food it was Amanda Nqobile Ncube.

“Anyways, as I was still trying to say, Collin likes you.”

“Mentjies?” I asked.

Manda nodded and my mouth dropped.

“Since when does Collin Mentjies know about my existence?”

“He's seen you around with me. Collin wanted me to put in a good word for him...”

I looked at Manda like she had grown a second head.

“I don't like Collin.”

“You don't even know him,” Manda said.

“He has a gold tooth and he lives in Eesterust!”

“Darren lives in Eesterust too. Don't be a snob, Paiten. He's actually really kind, sweet and not that bad looking and you guys have the same music taste. I wouldn't have mentioned him to you if I didn't think that he would be a good potential for you.”

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