Roman Reigns Part 2

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Rant #13: Roman Reigns Haters

Hey guys, Leslie here with a new rant about everyone's babe, Roman Reigns. So basically, everyone freaking hates him or something because he gets booed whenever he comes out. Like, why? People are so disrespectful nowadays, saying things like

"Roman Reigns only has 5 moves.."

"He can't wrestle. Lol."

Like, can you put your body on the line and wrestle better than Reigns? NO. Roman has worked his ass off to get where he is today and people being rude to him, booing him while he's out there performing for everyone's entertainment is just wrong.

It's so annoying, like care to put your money where your mouth is? Please. Also, I've noticed that whenever someone is WWE World Heavyweight Champion, everyone suddenly dislikes them. For example, heels like Seth and Triple H are meant to be hated but everyone wanted to take the belt from them because of their character. And when it came to faces like Roman and Cena to have the belt, everyone wants to take it away from them.

Like, were you dropped on the head when you were a baby? Make up your mind, for God's sake.

I mean, every single superstar deserves to have a chance of winning the prestigious prize but the WWE fans just can't make up their mind on who they want as champion. Like EVERYONE wanted Roman to be champ, then when he become champ, almost EVERYONE wanted to take it back. And the insults, my God.

Let's all be real here. We, at some point, wanted Roman to win the title admit it or not. The WWE fans didn't like Seth, Triple H and Sheamus as champions which is understandable since their characters are heels but when everyone wanted faces to be champion, like Cena and Roman, everyone started hating on them.

It's like Royal Rumble all ovet again. Last year they wanted Roman to win but Batista won which made everyobe love Reigns but when Roman won everyone started hating him, criticizing him like are you kidding me?

Make up your damn minds people!

You know what I'm guessing? When Dean becomes WWE World Heavyweight Champion, everyone would want him replaced with someone even though his reign was still short. Don't deny it, it will happen at some point.

The mean things people say affect Roman too, you know. Like everyone else, he's HUMAN too. To everyone who says Roman can't wrestle, can you? Can you sacrifice your body for the entertainment of ungrateful fans like you Roman haters? If you say yes, you obviously lying because Roman spent YEARS training for this day.

Ugh, some people just make me sick. And to all Roman haters, suck it because you still get to see him on TV and hate all you want, the important thing is Roman has supporters like me and he has the championship. Suck on that, loser.

Worst part is, Roman came out on RAW with the title and people actually cheered him. And I'm guessing the people who were cheerinv him were also the ones booing him whenever he comes out. Like, plastic as fuck. And wow, since when did the cheers and boos become equal. Like, half of the crowd was cheering and thr other half booing. From what I've seen and heard before Mania, the boos were louder than cheers. Hell, there was BARELY cheers to be heard before and now they soubd equal? Fake af.

H - Having
A - Anger
T - Towards
E - Everyone
R - Reaching
S - Success

Enough said.

xoxo, Leslie

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