My Story

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Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you all about myself. And yes the picture is actully me. Anyway, there is more to my story then I thought. My parents don't even know the entire side to it. They just think that it is normal for teens to go through. As I was growing up I had bad anxiety and panic attacks. No one really noticed till I was about six years old, because that was mainly when my panic attacks started. I would always worry about things that weren't even going to happen. So I basically never had a good childhood at all. Then when I got older it got worse. I wouldn't do any school activities because I was shy and didn't talk to anyone. People started making fun of me because I was different. That's when I got really depressed. All they would do was judge me. Some called me quiet emo girl because I would wear long sleeves most of the time. And some kids would walk off and talk bad about me, a few of them would just look at me and whispered that I was a freak or laugh behind me till I walked away. Once I was in fifth grade I meet a girl that I thought could change my life forever. But she was like all the other kids. My life felt changed alright. The year I began sixth grade I felt different, I wasn't my normal self. I started cuting my wrist almost every night, I stoped eating, all I felt like doing was crying. I was getting more depressed and had worse anxiety and more panic attacks. I wouldn't talk to my mom or dad about it because I didn't want them to worry about it. So I just gave up on that. But now that I'm getting older I feel like I can speak. What I'm trying to get out here is we all have a voice for a reason, let yours be heard and don't be afraid to be who you are. So far this is my story. My name is Tara Marshall. I may not be strong, but I'm still fighting. And to me that's all that matters.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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