Helper teachers

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Friends helper teachers
Who has a friend that needs slight help from a teacher assistant most of the time? I do! Even if they don't need it, the stupid teacher assistant helps anyway.
And the worst part is, they try and help YOU as well!!!
*me doing my work*
Teacher assistant walks over to HELP.
Her:Do you know what you're doing?
Me: yes
Her: you need to do the work the teachers set on the board!
Me in my head: I just said I knew!! And of course I do what the teacher's set you stupid person!
Her: so do the work then!
Me in my head: I would if you just &#&£% LEFT!

Unneeded TA's
It is also super IRRITATING when they come over to give you UNNEEDED help, and tell you to do the wrong thing!!!! You can't disobey them because they're the teacher's assistant, so you have to do it and then you get told off by the actual teacher for doing it wrong!
Sometimes I feel like saying the teachers assistant told me to so it's their fault, but I don't.

Unhelpful TA's
There's also those TA's that try to help you when you actually need help, but they DON'T HELP YOU!!!!
They basically just try to tell you how to do it but make whatever it is (let's just say maths) way more complicated than it actually is.
Me: how do I work this out?
TA: well... You bla bla bla bla bla...
Me: what do I do then?
TA: well just think about it.
Me in my head: can you just tell me?!!?!
TA: do you get it?
Me: no not really.
TA: do bla bla bla bla... You get bla bla bla. Get it now?
Me: Is that the answer?
TA: no... Work it out now!
But they don't go away until you've finally worked it out and you're wishing you never asked anything in the first place.

Annoying watch you TA's
No need to explain, those annoying TA's that stand right behind you THE WHOLE LESSON. Once, one of them stood on top of my bags and crushed them! I even heard the crush of the bags!! When I checked after the lesson, my books and my sandwiches were crushed!!!!

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