Chapter One

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"Miss Jones?"

Startled, Harper turned towards the gentle pressure at her elbow.

"Yes?" Harper asked as she turned and encountered the broad chest of a man. Her eyes landed nipple height, so Harper was forced to look up and then up some more. It was a bit shocking, but before her was one of the largest men she'd ever seen in her life. He had to be at least six foot five, if not an inch or two taller, and despite the well-tailored, somber black suit that was obviously trying to diminish his appearance, he was a wall of solid muscle.

"My condolences, Miss Jones," he said.

Harper hesitantly placed her much smaller hand into the large one he was offering up.

"Thank you," Harper murmured, not really in the mood for more idle chit chat. Most people moved on after this polite exchange, but the man stayed firmly in front of her.

"My name is Keaton Bell, Miss Jones," he began, quite obviously feeling awkward about approaching her.

"Please, call me Harper," she responded automatically, but the gentle giant shook his head.

"That is a very nice offer, but I'm afraid it would not be appropriate. You see, I am the lawyer handling your grandmother's estate."

Harper blinked in surprise, her eyes watering at another sharp reminder that her grandmother was no longer alive. Getting that call had been bad enough; returning to this small Alabama town was another stab to her heart. The funeral was the worst of all, and now, she realized, she'd have to deal with lawyers to settle the estate.

"Oh," was all she managed to squeak out—her mind racing a mile a minute, wondering what this man could possibly want with her? He should probably be talking to her parents.

"Yes," Mr. Bell said with a somber nod. "Your grandmother requested I speak with you as soon as possible."

Harper glanced around at her grandmother's well-attended funeral, her eyes taking in all the people dressed in black and the overflowing bouquets of obnoxious smelling flowers. "This might be a bit too soon?" she suggested, trying to be as nice in her dismissal as possible, and Mr. Bell had the grace to flush.

"Yes, I apologize for my inopportune timing. We can save our business for after the funeral of course. She had wanted me to give you this before her...burial." Mr. Bell held an enormous, meaty palm out.

Curious, Harper leaned forward to look.

"Her ring?" Harper exclaimed in surprise as she examined the milky oval stone set in the simple silver band. Mr. Bell held it in his palm wrapped up in a cloth handkerchief, open for her examination.

"Yes—please take it!" he spoke, sounding strangely hasty, and Harper looked up at him sharply. The man was sweating and flushed, and the hand holding the ring was trembling slightly.

Harper reached over and plucked the ring from his hand before he could drop it. "Are you feeling alright?" she asked, and the man nodded. His color was already better, and he was watching her like a hawk as she stared at the ring.

"Are you sure she meant to leave this to me?" Harper felt the need to double check. Her grandmother didn't have a lot of living family left, but Harper's parents were both still alive, and she would've thought that her gran would've left everything to her only son, Harper's father.

Mr. Bell was already shaking his head. "I can assure you, Miss Jones, that the ring was meant expressly for you and only you."

Harper felt a curl of nostalgia warm her belly when she thought about all the times she'd seen her gran wearing this ring. The woman had never taken it off. "Thank you very much. I will treasure this," Harper promised as she began to tuck the ring into her pocket for safe keeping. Mr. Bell cleared his throat loudly, causing her to look up at him, startled.

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