Baby Steps - xFakingaSmilex

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'Life isn't about the big accomplishments, it's the baby steps you take to get there.'

Ava thought she was invisible to the human population of her high school, and maybe that wasn't always a bad thing. When the day Blake River's acknowledges her presences, her whole life is flipped upside down. Firstly, Blake River's knew about her and secondly, he needed her help. Blake has a baby daughter and knows nothing about caring for the infant but is determined to learn the ins and outs of fatherhood with the help of Ava. 

But somewhere in-between the late night baby help, and quirky conversations, Blake begins to realise there's more to Ava Greyson than the front she's been putting up to keep everyone out. Everyone has their own problems, but everyone needs help so see that they aren't alone in their world of problems, they just need someone to sing in the dark with them to enjoy the ride ahead.

Taking steps in the world didn't need to be leaps, but baby ones to keep them moving forwards.





So I know it has been over two months since my last recommendation but I have been swamped with school. First, it was exams, and now this semester is my hardest semester this year so I have been trying to keep my grades up. 

Anyways, I read this book in between classes and at lunch because I loved it so much. Ava is an incredibly smart girl and Blake displays what true responsibility is. I haven't read the other books in this series yet, but I would think they are just as good as this one, if not better.

I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did.


Kendy xox 

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