Chapter 51

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For both their safety and Dafne's sanity, both patients were moved the next day. The Daygon prince was put in Dafne's room, being the most comfortable room in her house. Marcie would have protested but Dafne shushed her with a look. Then they placed Sebastian in a corner of the treatment room and sectioned it completely off with screens, so anyone seeking treatment could enter without disturbing him. Dafne made sure there were lots of doors between the two wounded parties. Especially when Marcie suggested she should inform Aldren and Jin of their companions condition. To them he would have been missing for several days now, and they were no doubt worried.

Dafne agreed it had to be done but she insisted on holding out for at least one day more,

"To keep what little peace there is" she grumbled,

Marcie helped care for the patients, although they were getting better so quickly she had little to do except feed and change bedding, the wounds healed well with no infection in sight and little fever. It was incredible.

Both were in very deep sleep which Dafne said they would stay in until most of the 'internal damage' as she called it had repaired itself and then they would wake. She did not know how long this would take, just that it would be a while.

Marcie tried to be helpful but her mind was elsewhere, Dara was staying close by and she was itching to see him, she had shown him all Dafne had revealed to her and he was equal parts fascinated with her, and distrustful. Probably because he had felt Marcie's anger, sadness,and fleeting sense of betrayal.

Marcie was snapped back into her own body from watching Dara do tricks in the air by Dafne calling her name,

"Hmm sorry? What did you say?" she said,

Dafne sighed exasperatedly,

"Yeah, ah can see you was nay llistening" she reapplied Sebastian's bandages securely.

"Whats keepin yer head in the clouds then eh?" she asked as she peeled off another bandage to expose another wound for inspection.

"Nothing, I am just tired" Marcie said truthfully,

Dafne grunted

She finished checking Sebastian's wounds and rose from her crouch,

"Right en, shall I come an meet yer Dragon en"

Marcie started, and nearly dropped the pitcher of water she was holding,

"What? Why? What?" She stammered,

Dafne snorted, "Oh common girly, its me, I ain't a villager to be scared of by a nearly extinct fantastical creature" she lowered her voice,"Yer do remember the very large tree im keepin a secret under the floor yeah?"

Marcie laughed nervously despite herself,

"Yes, sorry Dafne, I just...I'm so used to keeping him a secret, I dont know how to..." she trailed off, "He's close by, ill tell him to come meet us"

"Good" Dafne said briskly,

She locked the door securely between the Daygon and their wounded foe and led Marcie out and round the side of her hillside home to a sheltered part where they would be unlikely to be seen by anyone passing.

Marcie took a deep fearful breath and hesitantly beckoned Dara to come and meet her and Dafne, he sent her reluctance and a little bit of fear, she sent him reassurance and he begrudgingly accepted. He had been nesting in a large tree and flew out of the branch and up high into the sky and then come down in a dive, unable to resist the urge to show off to this stranger who would be only the second human he would have met face to face.

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