Chapter 5

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Another stressful day ended as the Cube's café staffs started cleaning and preparing the café for the closing. Soojin was still clutching the paper Gikwang gave her earlier. She opened the note. 'Meet me at our old hangout, near the soccer field. Quarter to four in the afternoon, tomorrow. I want to talk to you.' The note says.

"He can just call me if he has something to say. Why bother meeting me?" Soojin muttered to herself. Minhyuk suddenly peeked over her shoulder and asked about the note. She immediately crumpled the note pocketed it.

"It's nothing." She replied and continued mopping the floor.

"Soojin-ah, aren't you getting late in picking up Yoseob in the daycare?" Gina glanced at the wall clock.

Oh! Shoot!

In a flash, Soojin dashed out of the café without noticing she dropped her mop on the sleepy Hyunseung who was sweeping under the tables.


"I guess that took his sleepiness away" Jiyoon laughed with the others.


Soojin arrived 15 minutes late. She was glad Yoseob didn't get bored. She saw her son playing with another kid.

"Yoseob-ah, your mother's here" Gayoon told her son.

The kid then run to his mother and kissed her. Soojin and Yoseob then bid their goodbyes. On their way home, Yoseob talked a lot about his first day, about his new friends.

"Omma, one of the hyungs there thought that you're my sister. But I answered him back and say that you're my mother!"

"You should've told him politely. Next time honey, answer politely, ok? By the way, what are you doing earlier with your new friend?"

"Oh! It was cutie player. Ilhoonie thought me" Yoseob began doing the cutie player. Soojin watched her cute son with much love. She is ready to do anything just to make her son happy. She piggybacked her son until they got home.

As soon as they got home, Yoseob took out his color pens and paper and started drawing. Soojin turned on their TV. It was already six-thirty in the evening. She glanced outside; it was still bright as morning.


"My stomach says it is dinnertime." She thought and opened 2 packs of ramyun. From time to time, she checks on Yoseob as she cooks.

Minutes later, dinner is served. After eating, Soojin washed the dishes while her son continued drawing. When she checked on Yoseob, he was already fast asleep. She finished first washing the dishes before she changed her son's clothes. She tucked him to bed and kissed him goodnight. Curious at what her son drew, she went to the living room.

"He's got some talented hands" she remarked as she taped the drawing below the picture of the both of them in the bedroom. "A mother, father, and a child all in a house" Soojin thought as she changed into her pajamas.

"I've never got one ... until ... they came..." she said to herself as she stared into an old looking family picture of four on a table beside their bed. Her brother seldom smiles, but for the family picture, he smiled.

"Appa ... appa" she heard Yoseob mumbled.

She hugged him. "Why can't I be enough, Yoseob-ah?" Tears slowly ran down her face. "Why can't I?"

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