Friends are for Never

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  • Dedicated to A girl I used to be friends with

Okay, this chapter is a little short. That's all right, they won't always be like this. I was just sloppy and such tonight. I didn't proofread either. Oh well. Okay, so that's it. Thanks for reading. Please comment. I'd like to know what you honestly think. (Keep in mind I'm not a very good writer).


"Hey Brooke, remember when you were friends with Idalis?"

I shuddered at the thought of ever being associated with that wretch of a girl. But alas, the words that were hanging in the air between us were true. Yes, I was friends with her. Best friends, you might say. That was before she turned into the witch she was today.

"Yes," I said with a sigh, "I remember."

"Okay... Well she invited me to come to a party she's having." Hannah Ludwig, my best friend, said. "Should I go?"

My blood went cold. A party? Then first time we ever became friends was at one of her allegedly "famous" parties. Of course, I know why Idalis invited Hannah. To take her from me. This was all too familiar.

"No." I said, sharply, "Don't go."

Hannah looked at me skeptically, "Why not?"

"Just don't."

"Look, you're not the boss of me." she said, with a slight attitude to her voice. "I'm going to the party, whether you like it or not."

"Why'd you ask my permission, then?" I said, getting irritated at her tone. I mean, she KNOWS what

Brooke did to me, why does she test me like this?

"I don't know, maybe because I'm polite? Maybe because I thought you'd answer differently?"

"Hmm, well it appears that I didn't. I don't want you to go, simple as that. Okay?"

"Why not?!" Her voice was steadfastly louder.

"Do you NOT remember what she did to me? Hmm? Remember that whole episode last year? Yeah, that's why."

"It's just a freaking party! It's not like she'll be the only one there! There'll be tons of other people to talk to, and dance with." Was said louder still.

"Okay, you know what? Go. I don't care anymore. But when she hurts you, as she will, don't come crying to me."

"I won't, you know why?I'm not you. I'm not stupid enough to fall for any of that. You, on the other hand,

you are. You're gullible, and too trusting. Far too trusting. I'm not like that. I trust cautiously. And I've

definitely got more experience with people than you. I won't fall for any of her traps. Okay?" she was shouting now. I looked around us to see the gawking groups of people surrounding us. We were beginning

to attract a gaggle of people, frozen in place, just watching.

She stormed off in the direction of the Forever 21, and I realized we were still in the mall. I blushed, and the group of people watching us began to slowly thin, a few people leaving at a time.

I looked down and walked in the opposite direction, pushing the people who remained to gawk out of the

way. If she was going to be unfair, I was too. I hope she gets hurt by Idalis, remains internally scarred from the way Idalis treats her.

I hope she feels just like I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2011 ⏰

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