Falling Into Hell

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Shipping: Activate!

But seriously, expect an April of gay shipping (and maybe some straight shipping... maybe), one-shots, and Camp NaNoWriMo hype!

Let's begin!

Falling Into Hell-

Ship: Gamebrine (credit to hghrules and her book Games! Go read it before you read this! And credit for the beginning little blurb thing format, too...)

Prompt: "Draw a previously established OTP falling in love", "Write about a waning moon", "Write about a hard truth your character has learned", and the fact that I re-read games an hour before the Write-In

Warnings: Near death? IDK...

Music: I wrote this during the Camp NaNoWriMo Virtual Write-In (video above, I'm mentioned at 54:00-ish), soooooooo... no? Not until the end, anyways...

Word Count: 1460

Full Moon

It was his time, I knew it was. He was young, yes, but his life was waning quickly, almost like the moon. It was time to take him away, and I knew I had to do it soon. I had been watching him for months. It was so obvious, and yet, I couldn't do it.

Maybe I was falling for him.


No, I can't be falling for him. I'm a god. He's a mortal. I deserve so much better!

But do I? Because the way his hair, even though it seems to defy gravity, falls over his red eyes, dim with the pain of illness...

Oh, I wish I could see them sparkle...

No. No, I don't. I can't fall for a mortal, especially if I need to take his life.

I turned and left. He'll live another day.

I don't know what it was. He was dying on that hospital bed, ready to be taken. I knew he had to come with me. Notch would've taken him by now. But seeing him, so young and broken...

I've taken so many. Why is it him? Why does he make me regret every man, woman, and child taken from this world in my arms?

I'm the god of the Nether. Petty feelings shouldn't bother me. Not anymore.

I've killed. Murderers and criminals alike have mutilated bodies, but I've killed.

I don't know why I couldn't do it again. It's been so long. These feelings shouldn't hurt.

But they do.

I can't get the young man out of my head.

Half Moon

He's gotten better. He's gotten better since I last saw him. His eyes are so much brighter now.

I care about him.

I'm healing him.

I'm helping him.

I shouldn't be doing this. I'm falling for him. I'm falling for a mortal.

He's not good enough for me.

But I love him.

I can't stop running through my mind the way his red eyes sparkle now because he knows he's alive and that he'll live, even if he doesn't know how.

I've seen the nurses telling him Notch himself has sent down a miracle.

Close enough.

But that's all they need to know. They can feel free to live in their 'good versus evil' facade. I wish it were true. The God of Pain shouldn't smile. He shouldn't feel. He shouldn't love.

But I do.

I love his smile, his laugh, when his face lights up because he had that realization of 'I'm alive!', and he can't contain his happiness.

I'm falling for what he feels alive, well, and on the surface.

I should've taken him while I could.

But then I would never be graced with his smile, his eyes, his presence in my life. He would despise me. He still will. But for now, he's happy.

He's happy to be alive and well and free.

So I'm happy, too.

Crescent Moon

He saw me today.

He saw me, and he asked if he was going to die.

I told him he wouldn't die today.

He didn't believe me.

His face was the worst. His eyes were dull again. Lifeless. It was like when I first met him, when I was supposed to take his life.

He looked dead again.

I shouldn't have done it.

I met him in his dream.

He was scared. He was scared that I came to take him in his sleep.

He was broken. He was hurt. And I couldn't help myself.

I told him I'd fallen in love.

It just came out. I couldn't take it back. He knew. He knew I loved a mortal.

He knew I loved him.

I'll never be able to look at him again.

"Are you still here? Am I still dreaming?"


"You saved my life, didn't you?"

I did, didn't I?


"Thank you."

"I'm a god. I shouldn't love you.

"I'm a mortal. I shouldn't love you back."

And he woke up.

"I'm a mortal. I shouldn't love you back."

"I shouldn't love you back."

New Moon

"Do you regret coming with me?" He was sitting next to me, leaning on me as we watched the stars through the Nether portal. He flinched as a Ghast screeched in the distance and pressed into me more.


I put my arm around him an looked up. "Do you know any of these stars?"

His eyes lit up, just like when he found out he would live. He started pointing out stars with so much excitement you could see it. I couldn't take them all in. Sirius, Polaris, Orion, his dogs, it was like he knew the night sky like the back of his hand. Then, he pulled me through the portal.

We sat against the smooth obsidian as he told me the ancient mortal stories about Orion and his dogs, the seven sisters, and, even though it was gone, Ix Chel, the Mayan Moon goddess.

And finally, when the sun just began to paint the sky in warm pinks and oranges, we went home.

It feels great to call it his home, too.

I'm home.

He's home.

We're home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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