Chapter 3 - Mr. Lucky Son of a Bitch

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-Silver Masked Girl's P.O.V- 

Ms. Complicated? Really? Why would he call me that? And why does he keep on following me? I mean, its good to have a guy who practically screams sex appeal that can totally bring any girl down to her knees, a sexy-lickable-savagely-god-like-gorgeous-hot-as-hell guy following you around like a cute lost little puppy doesn't happen everyday. But seriously, just those two words made my bubble burst. 

"Ms. Complicated? Really Damon? That's the only name your smart-delicious-ass can think of? You've got to give a girl the justice about the pet names you give them. Giving a name that totally sucks is worst than not giving a name at all. Got it Creed?" I spat at him cause sure as hell I'm about to erupt like an active volcano. 

"And who's fault is that? You should have given me your name on the first place so that we didn't go through this, don't you think? Are you going to tell me your name or you're just gonna keep on and on about the Pet Names 101?" he teased. He really is testing my patience with his arrogant and sarcastic retorts. How could someone stand him and his big of an ego? He thinks too highly of himself, he is well aware of the effect he has on women. Bastard

"You don't complain, do you?" I told him sarcastically. Why is the elevator taking too damn long? I thought to my self. Finally, the elevator opened. 

"Keep talking to me like that, and see what happens." he smirked. "Where are we going exactly?" Damon looked at me skeptically. Damn! He look so adorable. An impulse shocked me, I want to run my hands through his dark hair, feel the smoothness of it, touch every inch of his toned deliciously hot body, feel his warmth against my body, taste his smart mouth senselessly. Hold up! What the hell am I thinking? He's messing with my head! Stupid imagination! He is just a stranger, with mouth watering.. Oh.My.God. Did I just fucking do that again?  

"Where are we going? What you mean by we is just me, right? See you around silver tie. I teased him. You know what they say, "A tooth for a tooth." I saw the shocked look on his face and hell! It was priceless. Serves him just right. Does he really think he's the only one who could pull off such arrogant and sarcastic remarks? Well, he definitely challenged the wrong girl. I don't belong to his fans club that girls kneel down and go gaga over his goddamn face. Well, who am i kidding? I'm going gaga here, but I am not gonna back down just because he is a drool worthy guy. I am certain that I am not as easy as picking up a grocery item. I'm a feisty little bitch remember? I can't be tamed. Damn! this is going to be fun. Playing a game with a one-hot-piece-of-meat Damon Creed is going to be interesting. Let's see what you've got Creed.

The elevator doors are starting to close, and surprisingly he did not follow me. Did my remark really made a great impact to him that he could not utter a word and just stand outside the elevator? Is he thinking a good comeback? Well, if he is, he's taking too long than he normally does. Damon, you're really something to figure out. 

Since the elevator is almost shut, let's spice it up, I'm going to tell him my name in a way that he won't like, I'll make sure that by the time I can mention my name, the door will be in a complete shut so I could leave him hanging. Will it work? There's only one way to find out.  

I readied myself for my plan. Okay, here goes, "Creed!" I called out to him grabbing his attention. '"And by the way, my name is.." 


"Kylie." Someone hold the elevator doors preventing it from closing. Kylie cursed to herself knowing that Damon had heard her spoke her name.  

"Thank God I got in." Said a guy who came in panting. 

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