Chapter Two

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I just need to say that I'm skipping the bit where the letters actually arrive and this chapter will begin with the family in the car after going to that hotel when Uncle Vernon takes them on a goose chase away from the letters, and they are on the way to that shack in the sea. I did this because otherwise I will literally just be copying J.K Rowling's work and there is no point in that. I hope you understand ❤️ thanks youuuu :)) enjoy xx also, this chapter will be the absolute shortest in the book, and I have to warn you that I am also skipping Diagon Alley, for the same reasons as stated above. thanks for reading :)))))) love the smileys xx

Harry exchanged a look with Olivia. After that disastrous hotel stay with even more letters, Uncle Vernon had decided that they must venture further away from their home.

Olivia subtly pinched a sleeping Dudley, causing momentary chaos that allowed her to converse with her tired twin.

"They know something about those letters," she whispered. "They've got to."

Harry sighed. "I just wish they would let us look at the letters. I've got no clue who they're from. Or what they are."

Olivia nodded. "I agree. This is useless, the senders obviously will always know where we are. That's a good thing, I suppose."

Their discussion was abruptly ended by Uncle Vernon poking his head into the stationary car and announcing, "Come on! I've found a place, and I've got rations."

He was holding what looked like food parcels and a very oddly shaped package. He didn't stop grinning, which didn't bode well for Olivia and Harry. He must've found somewhere so remote that even the mysterious letter senders wouldn't be able to find them. 

Upon watching Uncle Vernon pointing the shack on the sea out to their cousin, Olivia and Harry privately agreed.


Harry and Olivia stumbled into the shack, cursing under their breath. This place was cold, dirty, and it was looking as though they would be sleeping on the floor.

Turned out Uncle Vernon's 'rations' were a packet of crisps and a banana each. Hardly enough to quell the hunger of not having eaten all day.

After trying and failing to light a fire with empty crisp packets that just shrivelled up, a cheerful Uncle Vernon decided it was time for bed. An hour later, Harry and Olivia were lying on the floor under the thinnest blanket in the shack. Dudley was snoring on the sofa, and their Aunt and Uncle were occupying the bed in the other room.

Harry turned to Olivia.

"This is the worst birthday ever. Not that the other ones have ever been good." he said.

Olivia rolled her eyes. "You don't say?"

Harry glanced at Olivia. "Why are you so cross?" he whispered.

Olivia snorted quietly. "Well, my parents are dead, and I'm spending my eleventh birthday in a shack that is going to fall down any minute. The question is, why are you not cross?"

Harry sighed and left the issue. "Five minutes till our birthday."


Harry and Olivia shared a worried look. Four minutes.


"It's going to fall." Olivia said. Three minutes.


"Maybe we'll be a little warmer." Harry said. Two minutes.


They laughed. One minute.


"Happy birth-" they started in unison.


The door had, rather inconveniently, fallen in. But the bigger thing was, a giant seemed to be standing in the hole were the door had stood.

"Oh, hello. Couldn't get me a cup o' tea, could you? Or maybe somethin' stronger; with the journey I've had." he said.

The Dursleys were now all cowering in the corner; Dudley was whimpering.

"Ah, an' there's the twins. You were babies when I last saw you. You both look like yer Dad, but you've got yer Mum's eyes." the giant said.

Olivia smiled nervously. "I'm sorry, but who exactly are you?

"I'm Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys at Hogwarts. You'll know all about Hogwarts, o' course."

Harry answered for the both of them.

"Sorry, no."



As I said before, this is a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny chapter and in future chapters will be much longer.

I apologise for the general suckiness of this chapter xxxx

Thanks for reading anyway



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