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Beautiful. That was one word you could describe Zyla Mirx as. She'd blush cutely if you did and tell you to stop while her eyes coaxed you for more, you'd comply to her wishes and continue making her cheeks rosy red and her lips draw nearer until the distance between the both of your lips decreased and...

Hahahahaha, that's rich! Phew! Let's edit that shall we?

Beautiful. That was one word you could describe Zyla Mirx as. She'd cock her head to the side and stare at you with a blank face, her eyes holding no emotion, you'd ignore the hints and continue showering her with counterfeit complements making her legs stand up and her fist draw nearer until the distance between your jaw and the rest of your skull increase to the point of no return. After all it was her programming, even if she was a hybrid.

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