Part 7

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"Rooney, don't do this!." I didn't know what was about to happen, but I really didn't wanna find out.

"Oh, hush. Loosen up a bit, Kyle." she walked towards the closet and opened the door.

"What.. Whatre you doing?" she just smiled slyly and reached in for something. I closed my eyes and looked away with my arms covering my face juuuust in case.

I heard a loud thump to the ground and looked over immediately.

I saw a huge box ontop of Rooney's body, it looked like it was crushing her small, frail body.

"Oh my god! Rooney, are you okay?!" she looked as if she was going to cry for a second and then bursted out laughing.

"Yeahhh! I'm okay." she smiled.

Laughed and struggled underneath it for a moment "Help me get this off!" I walked over to her and lifted the heavy box off her chest and laughed.

"What the hell is this thing?" I asked, smiling.

"It's Ronny's birthday present! I brought you in here to show you and asked what you think." I chuckled.

"But why'd you lock the door?" She giggled.

"What if he walked in? That wouldn't have been such a good thing; his present wouldn't be a surprise anymore, silly." I laughed. I guess that made sense.

"Well, what is it?"

She grinned hugely and opened the top "It's a 5 foot version of the Death Star, and he gets to build it out of legos!"

"No way! From STAR WARS?!"

"Is there any OTHER awesome Death Star?!?!"

I laughed, "That's so awesome, Rooney!"

She smirked, 'I know, I'm officially the best wife ever. Now help me put it away, it weighs a ton and I'll never be able to do it by myself."

So I helped her put it away and left. I have some unfinished business I need to fix.



I stared at myself in the mirror, blade positioned at my wrist?

Who had I become?

I broke down into tears and my hand began to shake.

This was the end for me.

I never really thought it would end here, this soon.

What happened to my dreams?

My dreams to model.

To get married.

To have kids.

To be happy?

Why did it have to end so bad for me? I've always been a good person; I don't understand.

I guess it just didn't matter anymore.


I dropped the blade, startled and looked at the door.

"Kyle, get out."

"No, Brooke. What's happened to you? it's only been two months and you look like a malnourished African child. And gahh! It REAKS in here! When have you showered last?"

I felt my lip quiver and tears rolled down my cheeks as I stood silent.

He look defeated and regretful. "Come here." he said softly.

I walked over to him slowly, still crying and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Shhh." he said, "It's gonna be okay."

Then he got me undressed and helped me into the shower. Once I was in, he went downstairs and I smelled grilled chicken and rice.

But one question in my mind remained:

What would happen now?

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