T W O || Mundane

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Silence filled the room, like a thousand crystal glasses hit the floor at once, no one made a sound.

The blonde from before was helping Clary to her feet as the dark haired pair stared at the girl, their hands were still on their ears as they looked both confused and scared.

The others around them had dropped to the floor, their ears, cheeks and surrounding floor had a coat of blood.

Did she do that?

Clary walked over to the Adelaide shaken up, leaning into her for a hug, she responded by wrapping her arms around her but she was still devoid of emotion, her face was in a catatonic state as she pondered at how all those people could be on the floor and why some where bleeding and another's had only half a skull left.

"What the hell was that? Actually better question, how did you scream like that?" The blonde asked as he placed a white dagger into the back of his black skinny jeans.

"She's always had a loud scream, it's been the same for years. That really isn't anything new." Clary said still shocked at stabbing the man who literally burst into flames before her very eyes.

Clary ran out of the curtained room with Adelaide closely behind her as they bumped into a rather glittery man before running out and jumping into a cab.

The Lightwood boy couldn't take his mind off of the red head the whole way back to the institute. How could someone scream like that; cause such a literal mess. To him it was unfathomable.


Later that night when Simon once again appeared at Adelaide's door he seemed disheveled, he was rambling about Clary being in an abandoned church and shoved a coat on the girl before pulling her out the door towards Clary's location.

"Clary, are you on drugs?" Simon asked in concern as he paced back and forth on the phone.

"Okay okay, well Ad and I are outside, please just come and talk to us."

Simon placed the phone back into his Jean pocket before turning to Adelaide, her eyebrows were screwed up in amusement.

"Why on earth would you think Clary is on drugs, she's in church in sure that's against moral Laws, let alone her own morals."

"As, she told me she had to get changed! If that doesn't scream crack den in a church I don't know what does."

Clary came out of the church with the blonde boy, he had one of the white swords in his hand as he stabbed a man dressed in all black.

Adelaide jumped back in shock and made a little scream as Simon was still confused about who Clary was talking to. Suddenly the blonde swiped over a dark coloured tattoo and Simon could see him.

"Clary come with us, this isn't right." Simon said outstretching his hand to her.

"Come with me, you're safe that way, you all are." Clary looked at Adelaide for help or a voice of reason, being the good friend she is, she kept quiet but stood beside Simon, grasping onto his hand stating she's on Simons side.

After much debate, they all walked into the church, the blonde grabbing Simons hand which made him see the inside which looked like a secret C.I.A base.

"Mundanes aren't allowed in the institute, Jace, you know that." The grumpy Lightwood strode towards the four of them, Adelaide clutched tighter to Simons hand in fear, he squeezed back reassuring her.

"We already know Clary isn't a mundane, Alec. She on the other hand is definitely not a mundane, I'm not even sure what she is."

"What about the one with the glasses?" Alec asked nodding towards Simon.

"He has a name, it's Simon. As long as Clary and I are here, so is he." Adelaide said stepping forward slightly angered at his blatant disregard for Simon. "Got it?"

Alec scowled at her before walking away, Jace and Clary following with Simon and Adelaide in tow, still clutching to one another nervously.

Little did they know, this is the easiest thing they would do in the next week; it had already felt like they'd sold their souls to these people.

I'm really sorry for this short and late update, I don't have any wifi atm and I have my GCSE's which finish on the 17th June. After that I will be able to update more frequently xx

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