Christmas great

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Christmas time, yet again, that wonderful time of year to be happy and joyful. Insted I'm stuck in a morturary with a woman who died this morning. At least I get to wear a christmas-themed jumper under my lab coat. I heard my phone buzz from the other side of the table, a text

If you don't know, call Sherlock. He won't mind.


I can't call Sherlock on christmas day! He'll be spending it with John and Mrs Hudson again, and probably John's new girlfriend. Then again, Sherlock likes this kind of stuff, it would be like a christmas present I guess.I glance down at the body infront of me, I really have no clue, theres no sign of stuggle, it wasn't suicide, I don't think, no poison. I press the speed dial button and wait patiently for him to answer, obviously it doesn't take him long.

'Yes Molly?' His deep voice vibrates through the phone

'I-uh..merry christmas..I was just wondering..uh- would you have enough time to come check out this body because I need your help' I say the last part really quickly, but I think he understood because I hear him yell to John to grab his coat before he hangs up. It won't take him long to get here, I should probably pretend to be busy..I grab a patients file and flip it open.

Obviously I don't wait long for the detective and his blogger to come through the doors, I flick my eyes down to the file then back up at Sherlock.


'Hi Molly, merry christmas' John announces from behind Sherlock, I can't even see him because of Sherlock, his 6 foot figure blocking the whole view of John.

'Merry christmas John, so this is the body Sherlock' I pull the sheet off the womans face

'Obviously, Molly' He looks down at the woman, quickly deducing her, his ebony curls fall perfectly over his cold blue-green eyes.

'Uh- She's 23, no children, s-she lived-'

'I don't need to know little details Molly, you should know that' He interrupts

'Oh yeah..sorry- uh- Coffee?'

'Black, two sugars'

'I know, John? Do you want a coffee?' His little friend jumped out of his seat

'Sure, white no sugar please Molly' I smile over at him. I always did like John, from the first time he came here with Sherlock, he's so polite and calming, the complete opposite of Sherlock. Prehaps that's why they go so well together. After the coffees, and half an hour, Sherlock puts all his deductions down, apprently it was 'obvious' and I 'should of noticed'. I quickly fill in the essential paper work and take my lab coat off. Sherlock grabs his large black trench coat and his trademark blue scarf.

'So what are you up to for the rest of the day Molly?'

'Uh- I'm just going to go home watch a film' I smile over at him while he pulls on his coat and heads for the door

'Oh why don't you come spend it at ours? I'm sure Mrs Hudson won't mind'

'Oh..uh- I really shouldn't'

'Oh Molly, don't be stupid just come on' Sherlock said as he stalked out of the door, well that was a shock

'I-uh ok, let my just grab my bag' I run through to the back and grab my handbag and the little bag of christmas presents that I was planning to drop off later tonight.

I followed John out of the building to a cab that was waiting for us, John opened the passenger door and climbed in, so I climbed in next to Sherlock. He was sat right up to the window staring out, I wonder if he sits like that with John. When we arrived at 221B Baker Street, John paid for the taxi and we all climbed out. In the apartment was Mrs Hudson, she was sat in Sherlocks chair drinking a cup of tea, she was wearing a red jumper and reindeer antlers. There was also a woman sat on the couch, with long black hair, her name was Jennifer, John's newest girlfriend.

'Hello Molly dear, tea?'

'Yes please Mrs Hudson'

'Tea John? Sherlock' Mrs Hudson scuttled off to the kitchen and after a few moments I heard the kettle hissing. The two men nodded, Sherlock then decided he wanted coffee, not tea.

After Mrs Hudson came back balancing a tray of cups, Lestrade came in, holding a bag of presents. I wasn't really paying attention to anything he was saying, neither was Sherlock because he was stood at the window, violin in hand, playing a lovely Christmas song. He was swaying slightly and he'd closed his eyes while he was playing, he looked fantastic.

'Molly?' John's voice broke my train of thought

'Uh..yeah? Sorry I was..somewhere else'

'It's fine, we're going to do the gifts now' John grinned and scuttled off next to Mrs Hudson

Half an hour later, and a whole lot of presents, there was a big pile of wrapping paper in the middle of the floor from everyones presents. Sherlock had stopped playing the violin, eventually, and sat down in his chair to join us. Although he wasn't giving any presents, but he unwrapped a few off John and a couple more off Mrs Hudson. John had given me a new jumper, it waws cream with cats on, that's definatly a John jumper. Lestrade got me a voucher for a book shop and Mrs Hudson got me a pair of silver earings, which I put on immediatly, they were really beautiful.

'They suit you love' Mrs Husdon smiled

'Thank you Mrs Hudson' I crawled over the pile of wrapping paper and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then returned to my original spot on the floor.

'Let's put some music on, shall we?' John suggested

He put the disc into the CD player, and Always by Bon Jovi started playing. Mrs Hudson immediatly got to her feet and grabbed Lestrade and started dancing with him. He looked to awkward. John took hold of his newest girlfriends hand and started swaying steadily with her. They all looked so peaceful, well apart from Lestrade, he looked really uncomfertable, but Mrs Hudson was enjoying herself.

'I always did like this song' Sherlocks voice from behind me made me jump, he was standing over me with his hand out, I blushed and took it, then stood up. We just stood there for a few moments, then Sherlock hurried off. Stupid Sherlock, why does he always do that. I looked around at the others, they were still dancing. It was getting dark outside, and it begining to snow. I thought I shouldn't interrupt the others that were dancing, so I went over to the window and watched the snow fall. I felt someone come up behind me, so I spun around and Sherlock was looking down at me again, but it was a different look, not his usual undermining look that he had, this was different.

'Merry Christmas Molly' He handed over a small red box, I stared at him in disbelief. Sherlock Holmes bought me a Christmas present, is this real life? I snapped the box open, and inside it laid a beautiful gold necklace, thin delicate chain, and a small heart which was imprinted with small diamonds hung off the chain. It was beautiful.

'T-thank you' Was all that came to mind, he grinned slightly, that beautiful smile that we rarely see. He picked the necklace out of the box and hung it round my neck, then clamped it shut. He took hold of my hand and we began dancing, very slowly. At first I felt stiff, I didn't know how to react, but then when I realised how serious he was being, I rested my head on his chest and began dancing along. He rested his chin ontop of my head and swayed from side to side along with the song. Once it stopped, we stayed clutching to eachother, asthough if we let go, the other would float away. Eventually we let go, once we realised everyone had stopped and were now looking at us.

'It's getting pretty late, I'll be going' Lestrade was the first to break the silence

'Y-yeah, me too' I nodded and looked up at Sherlock

'Thank you, Sherlock' I smiled again and went over to the door to grab my coat, then followed Lestrade out. When I turned back to say goodbye, Sherlock was still standing where I left him, he was looking down at the floor now though. John smiled and said goodbye, along with Mrs Hudson and Jennifer.

'You getting a taxi?' Lestrade asked once we was out of the apartment and onto the street

'No, I don't live far away, I can walk'

'Alright, merry christmas'

'Merry Christmas' I smiled and pulled my coat around myself before I began walking.

I didn't live far, only a couple of streets away, it wouldn't take me too long to get there. It was definatly snowing now, heavily. The snowflakes were big, they came floating down and stuck to the ground, aswell as to my hair. I should probably of brought a better coat. I carried on walking, but slowly, taking in the events of the day. I carefully ran my fingers over the necklace that hung round my neck and laughed to myself. It was getting cold now aswell, so I wrapped my coat tighter around my body in attempt to stay warm.

'Cold?' A voice behind me made me jump and spin around. It was Sherlock

'W-what are you doing?'


He pulled me in close to him, wrapping his large trench coat round me in the process and kissed me softly on the forhead. I looked up at him, his cheeks were flushed, not from embarressment, but from the cold. He saw me looking at him and grinned, before placing his hand under my chin and lowering down close to me. He kissed me again, on the lips this time. It was perfect, I couldn't of asked for a better Christmas.

Dearest Sherlock, love Molly x x xWhere stories live. Discover now