Chapter Eleven

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"She's this way!" I yell through our mind link, running further and further into the woods.

All thats crossing my mind right now is: What was she doing out here?

Mason and Brodie are not far behind me, flanking me as I follow Mia's sickly sweet strawberry scent. As soon as my paws had touched the ground, I'd recognised her scent. But this time it was mingled with another scent of melted butter and woodsmoke: Saxon.

If he'd hurt her, touched her in anyway.....I shuddered as images of me killing him; ripping him to shreds fill my mind.

"Whoa, little bro, enough with the dark and.... bloody already." Brodie whines loudly, catching up to me so we are side by side.

I snort loudly, knowing he can hear me, and push myself faster. I'm smaller than Patrick, Mason and Brodie, which means I'm faster. But the lack of muscle does have it's draw backs in a fight.

I stop, pushing my muzzle deep into the soft earth. Her scent stops here, as does Saxon's and the unknown male wolfs one.

I growl, turning from side to side, trying to pick it up again. I shift back into a human form, as does my brothers, and we turn to face eachother.

"Her scent, and Saxon's stop here." I tell them sadly. We've lost her. She's gone again and this time, she's not coming back.

Brodie growls loudly, truning around in a flash to punch a hereby tree. The tree is thin and snaps with the impact, falling loudly to the forest floor with a thump.

Mason raises an eyebrow at Brodie before turning back to me. "No, she's here somewhere."

"No, she's not here. The scent stops here. She isn't here!" I yell, frustrated and throw my hands up in the air.

"Back down!" Mason growls.

My body folds under his Alpha tone and I crumple to the ground, unable to disobey. Brodie falls beside me. Even though it wasn't directed at him, he's forced to obey as well. It's how it works.

"Now, I can still faintly smell her, over to the east further. I think they've taken her underground." Mason huffs, bending over slightly, his hands digging through the fallen leaves. "And if my thoughts are correct...."

There's a clinking sound and my head snaps up. Metal?

Mason's hand grasps a long metal chain that he's un earthed and pulls it, his face screwed up with the effort. Brodie rises to help him and together they manage to pull a whole section of ground open. The metal door thuds to the ground and I shift back, crawling over to the hole in my wolf form.

The smell of damp earth hits me first. And then it's something that makes my hackles rise of their own accord. "I can smell her blood." I growl through our mind link.

The forest goes dead slient as Brodie and Mason shift back, their Cainines exteneding past they're wolfy lips. They both growl with authortiy and lean towards the hole, standing by me.

"Go first Brodie." mason snaps. "I'll follow after Oliver."

Brodie growls, before diving paws first into the hole. His black coat is swallowed by the darkness. Mason nudges me and I jump into the earthen tunnel too, my paws sinking into the wet earth.

Brodie waits for us at the first bend, two men dead at his feet. Humans.

I brush past the dead bodies, trying not to look at them, at the blood pouring out of their throatless necks.

We continue down the hall, each one of us on our guards. Mason called for back up not long ago and they should be here in an hour. But a lot can happen in an hour.

We here talking and slow, edging quietly towards what appears to be a cell door.



I hold back tears. It's Mia.

Mason pulls me backwards by my tail so I don't do anything rash, as Brodie takes out the sleeping guards next to the door.

They'res a small opening under the door, and I know I'll be able to fit under it. It appears to be where they shove food through. Without thinking, I burrow under, ignoring as Brodie and Mason snap at my legs, telling me to get back.

The room is dark. But my eyes adjust.

He's standing over her, and her eyes are screwed shut in fear.

Before I can even think, I pounce on his back.

He screams loudly as my jaw goes around his neck. Snap.

 He slumps to the ground, his neck hanging at an unatural angle.

Mia cries loudly. "Not again. Please, don't."

I nudge her softly, knowing she'll realise it's me.

Her eyes fly open and she stares at me. Instead of huggin me, like I thought she would, she backs away into the corner, her body convulsing with fear. "No, no, not you. Not you Oliver. We're Twins, please don't."

I growl. Why doesn't she trust me? What did they do to her?

I whimper at her, lying on my stomach and edging closer, little by little, trying not to scare her.

She looks at me, startled and confused by my actions. "Are you going to hurt me?"

I shake my head.

She sneers at me. "Thats what that guy said too." She jerks her head to the dead body beside her. The man I'd just killed. "Guess what? He lied."

I cringe at her words. Outside, Mason and Brodie are fighting other wolves. We've been discovered. I lick Mia's hand and shimmy out the hole again, jumping onto the nearest guy that is not related to me.

As I join the fray, the other team seems to be dropping like flys. As we fight, we clamber over more and more bodies, dodging more and more wolves as they fall lifeless to the ground.

As the end, Mason and Brodie and I are puffing, our eyes trained on someone who is still alive.


"What are you doing here?" Brodie asks through the mind link.

Patrick rolls his wolfy eyes. "I followed you guys when I got the message. What else would I be doing here?"

"Good point." I say, sniffing the men around me. Most of them are clean, smelling like soap or some kind of perfume. Which is weird.

"Oliver." I don't move as Mia's weak voice fills my mind. Her and I have this private chat thing, being twins, and I know the other can't here what she says to me.

"Mia." She's gone wolf, I can tell. "Brodie," I say into the regualar mind link. He looks at me. "Help me open this door. Mia's inside."

He shifts back, stepping over the dead people to help me open the door.

Patrick growls under his breath. And marches over. "Let me." He says, pushing Brodie out of the road. He burrows under the door, just like I did.

"Oliver, don't let him in!" Mia screams through our mind link. But it's too late. Patrick's paw disappears under the door just as Mia screams in terror.

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