Chapter Three: Crush

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Britney just stares at the cop. What do they want with me? Surely they can't know about the fight...

"Miss Sannin!" The teacher says looking at her sternly, "Please follow Officer Norse out so I can continue with class."

Britney stands up and grabs her things but the officer shakes his head, "You won't need those." She puts them back down and walks toward him looking back to see Violet giving her a confused and worried look.

The officer leads her to the Principals office and tells her to go in. She does and finds the principal sitting at his desk and the boy from this morning sitting across from him.

"Sit down Miss Sannin. Mr. Dunelly here has informed me that you attacked him in the hall this morning for no reason, is that correct?" The principal looks at her with an oddly uncaring expression.

"No sir, it most certainly is not correct." Britney looks at him with determination in her eyes.

"Well then, would you care to explain what did happen and how Mr. Dunelly got these bruises on his side and face?" He asks, still uncaring.

"Yes sir. Mr. Dunelly here was attacking and bullying my friend Violet Thomas and I came to her aid. I'm sure she has some bruises from his hands as well. I did not attack him for no reason, I was simply defending a young woman that is too weak to defend herself against him. I'm also positive if you took a look at the cameras you'll find this to be true." Britney sits back in her chair feeling triumphant.

The principal looks at Britney and smiles, "I already have taken a look at the cameras and found your account to be quite accurate. Therefore I dismiss you back to your class, may you please tell Miss Thomas I hope she's feeling alright, and I will deal with Mr. Dunelly." Britney looks at him in shock, as does the Dunelly boy.

"Thank you sir, and I'll tell Violet." She stands up and leaves, heading back to the classroom.

Well that was pretty odd... she thinks to herself, what a kick-ass principal. She walks back to class and knocks on the door because it's locked. The teacher lets her in continuing to drone on in her monotone voice the exceedingly boring lesson.

As soon as she sits down Violet drops a piece of paper on her desk. She opens and reads it only to smile at the girl's great concern.

Did you get in trouble for this morning??? I am so sorry if you did, you didn't even have to stand up for me I don't want you to be punished for it :(

Britney picked up her purple pen and wrote back:

No I didn't get in trouble, the guy did. And yeah I did have to stand up for you, I care about you and you shouldn't be treated like that. :)

She folded the paper and dropped it back on Violet's desk. She watched her read it and saw the hint of a smile on her lips. She didn't write back, just went back to notes and the teacher's lesson.

Or so Britney thought...

When the bell rang she bent to grab her bag and sat up to find another folded piece of paper on her desk. When she opened it she gasped and stared in awe at the page. It wasn't the note, it was a beautifully drawn portrait of herself. She was sitting at the desk just like she was five minutes ago. Britney smiled to herself as she walked to her next class.

That girl is something amazing.

I really want her...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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